The date, part two...

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Danny had ordered you two yet another cab. He insisted that you wore a blindfold, to keep you from knowing your surroundings, he wanted to keep this whole date location a surprise. He guided you out of the cab and helped you to walk. It was quite chilly and you could tell it was getting dark. Danny heard you shivering, so he took off his jacket and put it around your shoulders. "Thank you, now please tell me where we're going!" you insisted.

"No (Y/N), it's a surprise." he replied. He helped you step up onto something or what seemed like a platform. He then guided you along until he helped you sit down. "You can take your blindfold off now baby." He said to you sweetly.

You removed your blindfold to find yourself sitting on a boat on the side of the River Thames. "Omg Danny, this is beautiful." There was a candlelit dinner in front of you and just before you thought it couldn't get any better Danny pulled a rose out of his pocket and handed it over to you. "You really do know how to charm a lady, don't you?" you said to Danny whilst winking. The Waitress came over to the both of you and removed the lid to the dinner platter and revealed a 12inch margherita pizza. You chuckled. "Just my style, I like it. Well done Danny, I'm impressed."

"I'm glad you like it princess." Danny said whilst leaning over to kiss you. You both shared half the pizza then you finished the meal with some chocolate brownie ice-cream. "(Y/N) you've got a little, erm." Danny said whilst pointing to your mouth. You tried to wipe what ever you had on your face off but you completely missed it. "Here let me" Danny said whilst reaching over and wiping your mouth with his shirt sleeve. "(Y/N) there's one more thing I wanted to give to you." He reached into his pocket pulling out a small silver box.

"Danny, i-i..i." you said shocked as he opened the lid to the box. It was a diamond necklace. "Shhh, let me." Danny said whilst he got up out of his chair, went behind you and held your hair up, whilst he put the necklace around your neck. It looked beautiful. You were lost for words. "Danny, It's beautiful! I love it. Honestly." You got up and hugged him. You then leant in for a kiss and Danny picked you up, bridal style.

"I'm taking you home Mrs. We can finish our date off there." He said whilst winking and carrying you all the way back to the hotel room.

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