Trouble in paradise?

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The next morning, you and Danny had to be up early to go to work. You were both expected to be in the studios at 10am. Once you two had arrived, you rushed straight into hair and makeup, whilst Danny was needed in costume. In hair and makeup you were accompanied by the hair stylist. "Hey (Y/N) sorry about this, but the straighteners don't seem to be working. You wait here and I'll run to the car to grab a new pair."

You sat in silence flicking through a magazine whilst waiting for Megan, the stylist, to return.

"Hey beautiful." You heard someone say behind you.

You checked in the corner of your mirror and noticed Joe was standing behind you. "Oh, hey Joe" 

"Oh, hey Joe. Is that all I get?"  Joe questioned you.

"What do you expect me to say?" You said whilst rolling your eyes. "Heyyyy Joeykins!!" You said sarcastically. 

"Jesus, whats up with you?"


Joe raised an eyebrow.

"Me and Danny just had a late one last night, that's all."

"Ah, trouble in paradise?" Joe laughed.

"No, actually we couldn't be happier."

"Well I'm glad for the happy couple!" You could hear the sarcasm escaping from Joe's lips.

"Did you want something?" you questioned him.

"Hey, (Y/N) are you alright?" Megan said as she returned back into the room.

"Yeah I'm fine," You let out a sigh of relief. "I'll see you later Joe." 

Joe left the room. "What did he want?' Megan asked curiously. You and Megan had always got on. You told her everything. She knew everything about you. She was one of those people that you really admired. You were jealous of her stunning looks. Long, blonde hair, big, red lips and big, long, black eyelashes! She really was stunning.

"I really do not know. He's been really flirty and weird, ever since the day I met him. I don't know what his problem is."

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