The date, part one...

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You ended up falling asleep on the train, you got woken up by a person who worked at the station telling you to get off. You ran outside to find Danny leaning against the wall, drinking Diet Coke. You thought you'd surprise him. You waited until he had looked the other way, then you ran over and jumped on him! He screamed, he screams like a girl, it was so funny you almost wet yourself! You forgot to mention about Ella, maybe you can mention it to him later.

"Why you late Mrs?"

"I do apologize for my behaviour Sir." 

You two both laughed and agreed to forget the last five minutes of your lives ever happened. You for being late and for Danny who screams like a girl. Danny grabbed your hand and he took you into a cab. The cab pulled outside of the famous London hotel The Ritz! "Danny why are we here?" you asked.

"Why do you think I told you to bring stuff for over night?" He said whilst winking.

"Danny! We're not staying here are we?" You replied with a shocked tone to your voice.

"We are." Danny said with a big grin to his face.

"Danny, this must have cost you a fortune!"

Danny just shrugged but still remained smiling.

The both of you walked into the hotel lobby and Danny checked in for the both of you. The hotel worker handed Danny the keys and a very tall, handsome man assisted you with your luggage. The three of you went into the lift, it looked very expensive, you were afraid to move in case something smashed. The whole lift was covered in mirrors and diamonds. You stared into the mirror and fixed that one bit of hair that had fallen out of place. The lift stopped on the 7th floor, you're lucky number. The handsome man opened the door for you and put the luggage inside of the room, then he left. "Danny this rooms amazing! How can i ever repay you?" you said whilst grabbing onto either side of his jacket and pulling him closer to you.

"Whatever you have in mind Mrs there's no time for that now. We have to get going!" Danny said whilst grabbing your hand and running out the door!

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