The drunken friends...

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Danny stood up and told you to stay behind him. You had never been so scared in your life. Then you heard someone shout "OI". Danny looked through the little peep hole in the door and then let out a sigh. He opened the door and to your relief it was just Danny's drunken friends. Oli, Elliot, Nick, Doug & Lewis. You and Danny just burst out laughing because Lewis was leaning against the door when Danny opened it, which resulted in him face planting the floor! Danny invited them all inside, told them to sit down and made them all black coffee to help them sober up. 

"So Danny, how longs she here for?" Nick mumbled.

"SHE has a name! And as long as she wants." Danny replied.

"Oooo how naughty." Oli said which made all the drunk lot burst out into laughter.

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry about my drunken friends." Danny whispered to you, hoping that the others wouldn't hear.

"Haha it's fine, honestly, they're really funny." you replied smirking.

Danny just laughed back. About ten minutes after that all of his friends had fallen asleep on the sofa, but Oli had decided to sleep on the floor. Danny took your hand and the remaining of the snacks in the other hand and led you upstairs. He took you into his room and you took a seat on the bed. He turned on his TV and asked you if there was anything specific you wanted to watch you let him decide. The first series of Geordie Shore was showing so he put that on.

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