The kiss...

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You had spent ages getting ready, you had tried on over 30 outfits and you hated them all (you wore this) 

You and Danny had decided to meet at the Pier at 1:30 once again you thought you should get there 5 minutes early, just in case, but to your surprise Danny was already there. You found it adorable how he had made the effort to get there before you did. Danny had decided to be a gentleman for the day and he treated you to everything. He payed for all your rides and he even bought you some candy floss which you two shared whilst looking over at the pretty sights that Brighton had to offer...

Danny and you had just sat there for minutes in silence, there wasn't even any awkward moments, just then you turned to face him and you noticed that he was already looking at you, you smiled, he started to lean in! Was this really happening?  When all of a sudden a group of fans ran over and rudely interrupted you and Danny just for a photo. Danny obviously allowed them and they all had there photo took and gave him there twitter names and then they left. "I'm so sorry about that (Y/N)"

"That's fine Danny I understand."

"So, shall we finish from where we left off?" Danny hinted and winked at you. He lent in and before you knew it you felt his soft lips collide with yours. You knew that from this moment on, you were going to have a great time.

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