Elliots texts...

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Once you and Danny had found some seats you started to ask him about Ella. "You two seemed very close."

"What do you mean by close?"

"I dunno, it's just she seemed to be very interested in you."

"Well yeah, like I told you, she's just an old friend?"

"Was she more than a friend, did you two used to go out?"

"What no? And even if we did why would it matter?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering." You said which quickly ended the conversation.

You still didn't trust him, you felt really bad but you just needed to know the truth. You pulled out you're phone and decided to text Elliot (one of Danny's friends from last night.)

You: Hey Elliot it's (Y/N), me and Danny just ran into a girl named Ella? I was wondering if you knew her?x

Elliot: Hey (Y/N) , yeah she's Danny's ex, why do you ask?x

You: Because her and Danny seemed to be very 'close' and I wanted to know if they were closer then friends at one point?x

Elliot: Yeah they went out for about 3 months and Danny thought he was in love with her but she didn't really care that much she just wanted a boyfriend to be honest aha x

You: Oh thanks Elliot, feel better soon, yeah? ;)x

Elliot: Ha ha thanks!x

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