Troubles of being a girl...

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You woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. Once again you turned to your side to see Danny and he wasn't there. All you want is for one morning to wake up and for him to be there! But, to your delight, there was a note; leaning against a vase with the roses, from the previous night. You managed to pull yourself out of bed to read the note. The note read: Morning Lovely, meet me at Richmond park at 7:30pm, a taxi will be waiting outside the hotel to pick you up at 6:45. Don't be late;) Love you xxx

It was 11am; so that meant you had almost 8 hours to get ready. You wondered what he could possibly be planning that would take him this long to do. As you're a girl and it takes absolutely ages to get ready, you decided to jump in the shower straight away! That's the only trouble of being a girl, it takes ages to get ready! You wanted to try and make an effort, so you wore your lace top, black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. As you were about to do your makeup you noticed the necklace that Danny had brought you on the desk, so you decided to put that on. (POLYVORE LINK IN COMMENTS) 

Once your makeup was on, you looked at your phone to check the time. The time was 6:41, you grabbed your Ted Baker bag and took yourself down to reception. A man was waiting at reception holding up your name on a small white sign.

"Hey, that's me!" you said whilst pointing to the sign.

"Ah. of course, follow me!" He said, so that's exactly what you did! 

Once the taxi had stopped, and you had arrived at your destination, you jumped out of the taxi onto the muddy ground. "Just follow the trail and you'll find your way." Said the taxi man. What path? you thought to yourself. You looked forward in search for a path, there was no luck. So you just began walking...

After about five minutes of not knowing where you were going, you noticed something red and white laying on the floor in the distance. The closer you got, the clearer it was. They were red and white roses. Danny must love roses! You followed through the trail of roses until they came to a hault. They were then carried on by candles, as you looked in more detail you noticed the candles were layed out in shape of a heart. Danny was no where to be seen. When all of a sudden you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist and someone gently kissing your neck. "Is this all for me?" you said in shock as Danny pulled you in for a hug.

"Yep, you deserve more, obviously but this is all i can afford at the moment!" He said whilst winking.

"Danny, this is beautiful! I love you so much, thank you for this,"

"(Y/N) I love you more." 

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