The return of...

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'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!' You woke up to a text from Danny, you rubbed your eyes then reached over to your bedside table and grabbed your phone.

Danny: Morning beautiful!:* Today is the big day. I'm taking you on our date. Meet me outside Victoria station at 1, don't be late my lovely;) And don't forget to bring an overnight bag, you wont be going home. Love you lots, Danny xxxx

You looked at the clock on the wall, opposite your double bed, 10:30! You only had 2 and a half hours to get ready and to catch a train to London! S**t! You might be late! You jumped out of bed and got straight into the shower, washed your hair and shaved everywhere. By everywhere you meant everywhere. You straightened your hair and clipped the sides back, then you placed a beanie over the top. You wore a Homies T-Shirt that you had recently bought from your favourite store, Urban Outfitters. You also wore your plain black leggings and some black and white converse. 

You arrived at the train station 3 minutes before the train was due to departure. You ran to the train and managed to get there just in time! Luckily you bought the ticket before you left. Once you chose a seat on the train, you got out your phone and began to text Danny.

You: Hey Danny! I've just got on the train now. I'll be about 45 minutes, sorry if I'm a bit late! I can't wait for our date, see you soon. Love you too, (Y/N) xxxx

You put in your earphones and put your music on shuffle, Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball came on first. You closed your eyes, just when you started to relax you felt a tap on your shoulder. You removed your earphones from your ears and looked at who tapped you. You couldn't believe it. It was Ella. 

"Erm hey, Ella?" You said whilst being very confused.

"Hey (Y/N)! Your Danny's girlfriend aren't you?"

"Erm yeah haha, don't mean for this to sound rude or anything but did you want something?"

"No not at all. Just thought id come say hey! Tell Danny I said hello and we'll have a catch up soon! Bye (Y/N)"

That was awkward and slightly weird. You were going to tell Danny that you saw her but you weren't sure whether to tell him about the whole 'catching up soon' thing. Would it be bad of you if you didn't? You couldn't make a decision right there and then so you put the earphones back in and thought about what you were going to say.

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