Danny's shock confession...

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The rest of the train ride was awkward. You both just sat there. You were hesitating whether to confront him. About lying, about you wanting to know the truth. So you sat there for a while then you decided to blurt out...

"Why did you lie to me?"

"What?" He replied with a questioned look on his face.

"You know what i'm on about, that Ella girl, you two did go out! Why would you lie?"

"How do you know this?"

"I'm not telling you. Why did you lie to me?"

"Because I was worried about what other people would tell you."

"What do you mean, what would they tell me?"

"Ok, I'm only telling you this because I want you to know that I'm completely over her. Ok?"

"Yeah, alright?"

"Well basically we went out for three months, about a year ago. She only went out with me because she knew that I was an actor and I was about to be in Tracey Beaker Returns, so she wanted to be dating someone who was considered 'famous'. I got completely attached to her and I thought I was in love with her and then she dumped me and made me look like a complete idiot. I begged her to take me back and she wouldn't, but I'm over her now so it's all fine." Danny explained.

"If she made you look like an idiot why did you just speak to her?"

Danny just shrugged his shoulders.

"Unless, huh that's it, you're still in love with her aren't you! I can't believe you!" You said as you got up and started to walk away.

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