The unexpected kiss...

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*Backstage at FD*

-Danny's POV-

I'm so glad I've sorted things out with (Y/N) she looked so upset and that made me feel so bad! She looked stunning as well, how could I lie to her? So, I told her and it couldn't of gone better. 

I was backstage in the dressing room changing into my outfit for tonight's show. I think (Y/N) was with Dionne, those two get on like a house on fire! I'm so happy that she can socialize with my friends with no awkwardness. I then felt a tap on my back, I thought it was (Y/N) so I turned around and started to say "Hello beauti-" then I realized. "Shannon! Hey, sorry about that i thought you were someone else." I said to her rather embarrassed.

"Oh it's fine, I liked it, you should start calling me that more often!" Shannon said to me whilst hitting me rather harshly on my left shoulder.

I just let out a small laugh "Ha. So Shannon if you don't mind, I really need to get changed and do my hair for today's show, so if you don't mind." I said whilst opening the door.

"Oh right yeah course, sorry! Bye Danny." And then it happened. She kissed me. Only on the cheek, but still she kissed me. 

-Shannons POV-

"And I'm Shannon, welcome to today's episode of Friday Download! Here's what's coming up for you today on the show." I looked at Danny as they showed a preview, he just looked away. I know what I done was risky, but I can't just stand around letting (Y/N) get a hold of him. I've liked Danny since the moment I set eyes on him, he's just so perfect and I'm not prepared to loose him. As far as I'm concerned he's single. And I'm going to make him realize how good us two could truly be.

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