Lump in your throat...

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Since you had decided to just stand there and catch flies, Danny had realised that you were a fan and just simply smiled and gave you a hug for comfort. You immediately burst into tears of joy, and with that you made him hug you tighter! 

Once you had got over the crying, you wanted to have a conversation with him instead of regretting this moment for the rest of your life. So the first thing you decided to blurt out was..."I like multi-colored unicorns too" Danny burst out laughing, when you realised what you had said you cupped your face in your hands and you could feel your cheeks getting hotter...

Danny continued to laugh until he realised that you were completely embarrassed by the situation, and you were almost at the point of crying. Danny gave you another hug and slightly kissed you on the cheek. He walked you over to the sofa and started to talk. "So where are you from then?"

You replied nervously with "B-Brighton"

"Ah nice, I've been meaning to head down there soon with my mate Oli, when we're down maybe you could show us around?" He asked you.

'YES YES YES OMG ONE THOUSAND BILLION TIMES YES!!!!' You thought to yourself, but shortly after replying with a simple "sure!"  

"(Y/N)" you heard someone call out.

"Yes that's me" you said as you turned your head to the direction where it came from.

"Can i have a word?" the blonde haired lady who looked about mid 40's said to you.

"Sure thing" you replied.

"We absolutley love you, you have an amazing talent for acting!" she said to you which made you blush immediately. "But there is one other girl we are interested in, we will need you to come back here in 3 days time to perform one last scene with a cast member of your choice, once you and the other particament have performed we will decide who will get the part of Layla." That whole sentence made you get a lump in your throat you hated the idea of having to go up against another girl who is probably 100 times better then you but at least you could act out a scene with the one person you have been dying to perform with for just over a year.

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