The final audition...

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Once you arrived home, you wanted to call your best friend Lily and tell her about what happened with you and Danny. "OMG LILY YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED TODAY" you literally screamed down the phone to her.

"Well you met Danny, you got all embarrassed made yourself look like a mug, he hugged you and kissed you on the cheek?" She said to you, you just made a face with confusion and asked her how she knew. "I saw all your tweets" She explained.

"Oh, I see, BUT OMG THOUGH HE KISSED ME!!!!!" You once again screamed with a massive beam on your face.

"Well he pecked you on your cheek, but if that's how you want to put it fine by me!"

You had other people to tell about your day so with that you said your goodbye's and told nearly enough everyone else you knew, even though you were pretty sure not even a quarter of them cared.

*3 days later*

You walked into the studio, you and Danny immediately had eye contact. You turned away, trying not to make it obvious that you were staring. Once again you felt that strong large hand on your shoulder, you instantly knew who it was. "Danny!" you said as he pulled you in for a hug.

"Hey you, you alright?" he asked.

"Nervous haha, you?"

"I'm good, a lot better now you're here" he winked after he'd said that, you blushed.

You felt the audition went well, you got the same kind of comments as you got from when you performed with Joe. Danny had to rush off quickly so he didn't miss the last train but before he did he had tucked something into your back pocket...

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