The respected phone call...

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You woke up to your phone vibrating on your bed side table. It was twitter again. You typed in your password and clicked on the twitter icon. You had gotten over 700 more followers. Danny was going mental. All off the fan's that he had seen giving you hate he blocked them. He tweeted: To all of you scumbags that think it's funny to upset the most beautiful girl I have ever met just because I have been seeing her, you are truly pathetic. I have blocked the people that have sent her hate, I do not want anything to do with you, you have no right to call your self a pearsonette any more!' He had to write that on a notes page on his phone, screen shot it then tweet the picture because he didn't have enough characters. As soon as you read that your eyes started to tear up. You didn't realise how much he really did care about you! When you went to put your phone down on the bed next to you, it started to ring. 

*Incoming call Danny*

"Hello" you answered.

"Hey (Y/N) i'm so sorry about all those pricks they're so  wrong about you. You're perfect and if i'm being honest it's you that could do better, not me!"

"Danny it's ok i've been bullied before it's not like i'm not used to the hate." You weren't lying in year 8 you got bullied loads, mostly about your appearance, or about the way you dressed. You hated it you used to sit in your room every night and cry yourself to sleep. Although you never turned to cutting, the sight of blood always made you feel sick. You were one of the lucky one's.

"I think i've stopped them now, but i understand if you don't want to be with me because of the hate." He insisted.

"No Danny I would never leave you for what a bunch of so called fans have called me, I can get through this with you. It will all be fine." Danny respected your answer. You and him sat there for almost 3 hours on the phone. You were giving each other advice on how to get through this.

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