Friday Download...

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It was the week after. The abuse had died down. Danny had gotten a lot more protective lately. Any way, today was the start of the new series of Friday Download, they had recorded it in advance. So,  Danny had invited you to his to watch it with him. This would be the first time you would of met his family. As soon as you walked in, Danny's younger brother, Adam, ran in to say hi! Adam was only 3 years younger then you, so you two got on really well. Then Danny's mum, Nina, walked in, she seemed so nice but like anyone Danny tried to get her and Adam out of the house as soon as possible so you and him could have some alone time. Nina and Adam soon left to go to Nina's friends house for the night. 

As soon as they left Danny showed you the way to the living room and told you to take a seat whilst he went to go get some snacks. His house was a lot smaller then you imagined. What you imagined was a very posh, big mansion. When you were in the middle of day dreaming, Danny walked back in with some popcorn and Ben & Jerry's. It was 8 o'clock, Danny had recorded Friday Download so you two could watch it later on. You two were snuggled under the covers together eating loads of food and watching Friday Download. 

Once it had finished you couldn't stop laughing at Danny's laugh! He hated it so you stopped, you turned your head to notice Danny just staring into your eyes, he placed both of his hands on either sides of your head and pulled you in closer. You could soon feel the warmth from his lips on yours.

After you two had drawn your lips away from one another, you both decided to watch Spongebob the movie. Half way through the film you felt Danny kissing your neck and then he started to lightly nibble. It felt amazing! You thought things were going to go a lot further, when you heard a loud noise coming from outside his front door.

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