The turning of the road...

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You ran out of Starbucks, you had tears streaming down your face. Then you heard Danny call your name "(Y/N) WAIT! (Y/N) STOP!"

You just ignored him and carried on running but just as you were about to turn a corner you felt Danny's hands wrap around your waist and kissed your cheek gently.

"(Y/N) please don't cry, I can talk to the casting directors get them to change there mi-" 

"Danny there's no point the other girl must of been a lot better than me, enjoy your acting career with her and just forget about me, little miss no name..."

*Your POV*

I just walked off and left him standing there on his own, I do admit that i did act a bit harshly towards him it wasn't his fault, he didn't decide who got the part. I thought it was only fair that I called him. "Hello Danny?" you said nervously, worrying about what he was going to say.

"Hey (Y/N) you alright?"

"Danny I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to sound so harsh."

"No it's fine, I understand. I know what its like to not get a part when you really want it."

"I'm so happy you understand, did you want to meet up again tomorrow?"

"Yeah that would be amazing." 

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