Train ride...

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You didn't look back you just carried on walking away, you started to feel a tear form in your eye but you convinced yourself to stop it, you didn't want to cry. If you cried you knew you would of felt stupid, so you just carried on walking. When you reached the end of the train you found a seat and sat down. You turned on your ipod and clicked the shuffle button. The first song that came on was Little Things, by One Direction. You were just sitting there thinking about how awkward it will be when you get to the studio and you will have to perform a scene with Danny when someone rudely pulled out your earphones.

"What do you want?" You said to Danny, trying not to look at him. 

"(Y/N) I didn't get to explain the full story." He insisted.

"Go on then, sit down."

"Well basically you know Louie?" 

You nodded.

"Ella's Louie's daughter, we've been friends for as long as I could remember. It would be strange if i just stopped talking to her forever. So i gave up the grudge and started to talk to her again."

"Right well why didn't you tell me this before instead of me making myself look like a mug?"

"I'm so sorry (Y/N) I didn't know you were going to ask me about her, that's all"

"Alright I forgive you" You said whilst winking. 

Danny then pulled you into a hug, then the train reached the station.

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