Discussions over coffee...

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Once a full day of filming was over, you and Danny finally find a quiet cafe just around the corner. Danny went up to the counter and ordered you and him two large hot chocolates with marshmallows and squirty cream, your favourite! 

"Joe came into my dressing room today." You said hesitantly.

"What do you mean?" Danny asked, he sounded pretty annoyed.

"I don't know, but he was acting really weird. I hinted for him to leave and he did but he still kind of worries me."

"(Y/N), he's a creep. I don't really like the kid that much but we have to get along for the sake of the show. If he speaks to you again then just call me or ignore him, he'll soon get the idea."

"Ok, hah."

It all went quiet. No one said anything for at least two minutes, when all of a sudden Danny blurted out..."Whilst we're admitting things, there's something I really need to tell you." 

'Oh god' you thought to yourself. That sentence did not sound good.

"The other day I got a text from Shannon asking if I was free and I couldn't think of a good enough excuse to say no, she asked if we could meet up, so I kind of had to go. I met her down at Hyde Park and we were just hanging out as friends. Well that's how I thought of it, then she just lent in and kissed me, I pushed her away but it was too late." 

You felt your heart drop and your eyes fill with tears. You didn't know how to respond. He said he pushed her away, but you didn't know what to believe at the moment. "Sorry, I have to go." you rushed up, grabbed your things and ran out, you made sure that Danny didn't see you cry. As soon as you had found a quiet place to hide, you lent against a white wall and slid your fragile body down it. 

"(Y/N), (Y/N). I'm sorry! Where are you?" you heard Danny shout from around the corner. You kept quiet and waited there until Danny's voice got fainter, fainter and fainter...

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