Best phone call ever!

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*Dannys POV*

I turned my head to face (Y/N), she looked so beautiful just laying there, half asleep. She noticed me staring, so she just smiled and leaned forward. I loved the feel of her lips against mine. It feels so right. Just as we were getting comfortable all snuggled up together, (Y/N)'s phone started ringing.

"Hello?" She said as she wiped the sleep away from her eyes.

"Hey (Y/N), it's Louie the casting director from The Dumping Ground, sorry to call at such a late time. But I bring good news." He replied.

"Erm no problem, what is it?" she inquired.

"Well, Lateysha, the girl who originally got the part of Layla has been involved in an accident, which means she can no longer keep the part of Layla so we are offering you the part?" I heard Louie explain to her which made me feel so happy, obviously feeling guilty about Lateysha at the same time.

"Omg really! Thank you so so so much! When will I need to be there?" She asked Louie with the biggest grin on her face.

"We will email you all the details in the morning, see you soon (Y/N) night!" He said as he hung up.

"Bye...." she replied not realising that he had hung up!

*Your POV*

You turned to face Danny his face had a grin almost as big as yours which made you realise that he had heard the whole conversation.

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