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*Elsa and Jack reading off my computer while I'm at a party*

Elsa: Hey, look. KCat has a Jelsa picture file! Wait. Wut. O.O

Jack: ... Oh well, lets look at it! *clicks in the Jelsa Titanic pic* ... really. I have to fall.

Elsa: *giggling* Hey, what if we do this? Let's invite everyone to the North Mountain, then say that you slipped from the balcony, and I drop you!

Jack: (Being the idiot he is and forgeting that he can fly) But, won't I get hurt?

Elsa: It's fine, the snow is soft.

Jack: Fine.

~~The End~~


~~The next day~~

Me: *looks at the note in her doorway*Hey! Everyone! *rolls eyes* Lazy. *clicks a button that splashes everyone with water, then whacks them with a pillow* (hehehe)

Everyone except for Jelsa and me: AAAAGGGGGHHHHH *getting splashed in water* MPH! *getting hit with the pillow* KCAAAAAAAT

KCat: *handing towels to everyone* Anyway, Jack and Elsa want us to meet them at Elsa's castle!

~~An hour going up~~

Elsa: Hey guys! Jack and I made a picnic up here!

Anna: CHOCOLATEEEEE!! *knocks everyone over and nearly reaches the bowl* ELSA! UNFREEZE MY HANDS RIGHT NOW! Chocolate... \(○·○)/

Elsa: *unfreezes* Hang on, lemme call down Jack. He's at the balcony. *runs up and signals Jack* JACK NOOO

Everyone: *runs up and sees Jack dangling off the balcony*

Elsa: Jack, don't let go! Wait a minute...

Jack: *eyes widen in realization* ELSA NOOO

Elsa: *lets go of Jack* LET IT GOOOO!! LET IT GOO!

Everyone: JAAAAAACKKKK *glares at Elsa*

Jack: *still being an idiot and forgetting he can fly* AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH *lands on snow* Wow, it IS soft!

~~After getting Jack~~

Everyone except Jelsa: *glaring at Elsa*

Jelsa: *cracks up*

Elsa: It was a joke! We saw a photo of us doing that!

Jack: Relax, the snow was soft!


Jack: -__-

Me: Anyway- RAPUNZEL!

Punzie: Wow, I had a heart attack from that, Jack was so stupid! XD Stay cool, my friends! Super Six, signing out!

No one has dared, so I thought I would do this.

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