73 3 3

Me: *watching my 2nd clone get destroyed* Sigh... *sends another clone*


Wolves: *left*

Wolfy: 0.0

~~le chase music~~

Me: Well, I'm going to listen to nightcore and do more homework I guess. BTW, I made a small room somewhere in your castle. Don't worry, I put the bill on me *listening to Nightcore-Wonderland*

~~Back with my clone~~

Clone: *stops*

Frozen (my cat minion the boy): Ah! Hi, Master KCat. The room is complete, Wolf, Serifina, Jelsa, and all of our cats are in the new room. Do you want the bill? I can give it to Madam Wolfy if you prefer.

Clone: *remembers what the real me told her* Now, don't forget. The bill will be on me. If she asks you why, tell her the plan was not only to get Frozen Wolf, but to build the special room for her. Um... no. Please put the bill on me.

Wolfy: ?! *whispers* What?

Clone: *ear flick* I can hear you breathing, Wolfy. Cats can hear better.

Wolfy: ... Dang it. What is this ROOM that you built in my castle?

Clone: *shuffles feet* How should I put it... I am a clone.

Wolfy: *facepalm* I should have known.

Clone: She sent me here to get you to the new room... and um. Would you like to come in?

Wolfy: WHAT DID YOU DO?! *walks in with clone* OH. MY. MOON! ITS FULL OF CATS! SO MANY CATS! *looks at walls, roof, floor*

Clone: *Meows*

Cats: *all get off everywhere and start running out of the room*

Everyone in the castle: *scream*

Anna: O.M.G. YOU ARE OLAF, AND YOU ARE SVEN, *continues naming cats*

Jack: *picks up Elsa and are floating in the air* I still ship Jelsa... and it still is my OTP

Elsa: *begging eyes* Can I have one?

Clone: ... Fine. But if KCat hears ONE bad meow... I warn you to run.

Elsa: *takes one* Aw...

~~After all 1 million cats leave~~

Wolfy: *cough* *cough*

Clone: Wolfy, look.

Wolfy: 0.0

The special room... is a katana room! (Well, at least, one wall is all katanas, and the rest is your fav weapons. IDK what your other weapons are)

Imagine a room with red walls and golden carpet. Then, the right side of the wall has rare katanas, new katanas, antique... and a floating hoverboard to get what you want.

Wolfy: KATANAS!!

Clone: Look at the floor...

Wolfy: *looks* 0////0

Grenades, smoke bombs, ammo, all that combat stuff. Left wall: All the most powerful guns...

Wolfy: *trying not to cry*

Then the front wall was... THE BEST GADGETS FROM THE FUTURE! The entire backwalls have a food dispenser with the food you want by typing it into a machine.

Clone: ... Soo... you like it?

Wolfy: Fill in the blank, @WolfySnowflake !


So... Like your gift, @WolfySnowflake?

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