Archie Comics

40 3 6

Hey guys. Nightstar888 asked another question. Let's see how they react~

"Who likes Archie Comics? Who do you ship more, Archie and Veronica or Archie and Betty?"


Me: Hey guys, we got a question from Nightstar888!

Jack: *groans* Her again? She gives hard ones! *tries to fly off* *hits a pillar*

Elsa: *rolls eyes* KCat, why do you have so many pillars?

Me: I don't know. Anyways, we have a question. Can you get everyone up?

Elsa: Sure. *sends ice blocks up to everyone's rooms*

Ice Blocks: *melts and drenches everyone*

Everyone besides Elsa and Me: EEEELLLLLSSSAAAA!! *runs downstairs and looks at time*

Clock: 1:57 PM

Me: Oh, I didn't you guys were still sleeping during lunch.

Anna: Not my fault. I got sugar high from the cake.

Punzie: Same.

Me: Well, anyways... Nightstar888 asked a question. Who here likes Archie comics?

Cricket: *chirp* *chirp*

Everyone besides me: What's Archie Comics? '-'?


Everyone: *shakes head*

Me: Then you don't know any ships from Archie?

Everyone: ...

Jack: Who's Archie?

Me: You don't know who Archie is? You're goin' to have a baaad... time...... (UNDERTALE! WOO!)

Everyone: O_O ..................... *silence* *runs away*


Annnd that's a wrap! They didn't want to say the final part cause they won't come out of their rooms. I wonder why? Anyways, I got my friends to do the outro with me. Sorry for the short question, it was easy to answer.

Sorry my chapters have been a bit slow, I write all my Wattpad chapters by hand before I type type them up on Wattpad.

Otaku_4eva: Ask or Dare...

WolfyOtaku: Don't forget to vote and share~

Me: Super Six, signing out.

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