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Me: *writing* Sigh... I don't know anymore... I can barely keep up with my life anymore and I just... No one has been commenting about a dare or question... So... I guess I should just tell you what has been going on.

Me: *writing* Recently, my best friend and I got into a fight, then my other friend and I fought. So that is stress one. Then I have my grades to take care of. I'm going to high school next year, and I can't stand all this summer fun having to go to studying to get my math grades back up. I've have some fun moments, but when they come, something *cough* like parents *cough* start bringing something else in. My father believes that my brother has to ALWAYS be Goody-Two Shoes, while I'm playing games behind his back. *pauses to think*

Jack: *whispers* Wow... She really is stressed. She isn't making a sound...

Me: *continues writing* I work in a cafeteria with my friends, and I really enjoy it there. But the problem is that my "friend" keeps inviting people that do not work there into the kitchen. What do I do? Glare at them, tell them to get out. And it just keeps on coming... My grades, the heat and drought in California, being mocked... This list could go on forever. *gets up* *throws stuff*

Jack: O.O Never mind about her being really stressed. She pressed.

Elsa: ?! What?

Jack: She is pissed off and stressed.

Wolfy: And this is why you are stupid! *jumps onto Jack's back* Weeeee!!!

Hey guys. Been stressed. Not feeling that well.

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