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Wolfy... Dared Nightwing to kiss me.
Wolfy: PSST! Hey, you... Uh... Dark Wing!

Nightwing: *sigh* It's Nightwing. And what?

Wolfy: I dare you to kiss KCat!

Nightwing: Okay. *starts walking away*

Wolfy: -_-# He took that a little too well-

Nightwing: WAIT WHAT?! *hits pillar*

Wolfy: *sighs* Okay, he's normal.


Me: *yawn* Mornin' Punzie. Whatca cookin'? *ear twitch* Wait... Your step is louder, heavier... *opens eyes* EEK! Why are you cooking?! You gave me and Nightstar food poisoning after!

Nightwing: ^-^; I was hoping you forgot about that... but Wolfy gave me a dare, that I'm not allowed to say...

Me: =_=# Right...

Nightwing: *grabs expired meat*

Me: Grayson, if you put that in there, everyone will be retching out their breakfast.

Nightwing: Hmm? *looks at date* Oh. That's why it was on sale.

Me: -_-# Dick, I'm making breakfast. Go train. (Amazing_Rose stop it. NOW.)

Nightwing: ... Or I could watch you.

Me: *grabs eggs* Right... Grayson, your heartbeat is rising. Is something wrong?

Nightwing: What?! How would you know- Oh wait. Half cat... Right.

Me: *grabs pan* Mhm... So why are you up so early?

Nightwing: Um... Trying to make breakfast?

Me: And that went well. *chops onions and tomatoes*

Nightwing: Harsh!

Me: *cracks eggs* I've said worse to Wally. *stretches*

Nightwing: *trying to act casual* So uh... You like anyone in the real world?

Me: *drops spatula*

Nightwing: ... Uh... KCat?

Me: *picks up spatula* Well... *walks over* There was this one idiot... *smacks him*  Do you really think I'm gonna tell you? Unless you're just trying to annoy me, go away. *places omelettes on plates*

Nightwing: Wolfy, I hate you. Um... KCat?

Me: Yeah? *places played on table* What's up? *turns around*

Nightwing: *kisses* Sorry! *tries to run*

Me: *grabs him* What the hell?! *slaps*

Nightwing: Um... What?

Me: You don't just say sorry after kissing someone. And why did you kiss me?!

Nightwing: Wolfy....


Wolfy: And that's my cute to run. Ask or dare, don't forget to vote and share!

I can't... WolfyOtaku... You have a few days to run.

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