Frozen Wolf

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XD WolfySnowflake LOVE YA! XD So, I have been shipping WolfySnowflake and Jack for a long time, but Jelsa is my 1st OTP!!

Me: *watching Elsa read my dare*

Elsa: Oh dear... Wait. She ships WHAT?! O.o

Me:*gets down* Frozen Wolf of course! ^-^

Elsa: Uh... What?

Me: You are so oblivious... Jack and Wolfy!

Elsa: 0.0 You do realize they hate each other... right?

Me: Yea, but with hate comes love!

Elsa: ... But Jack is my boyfriend... DX

Me: Shoot. DON'T CRY ELSA... Er... Um... I'M JUST TEASING! Its not like they will actually fall in love... Maybe... Besides, you can't refuse it!

Elsa: *looks around nervously* Ok... but how are we going to kidnap them?

Me: Obviously we are going to use an army! >:D

Elsa: Um... of what?

Me: \(^-^)/ Of huge snowmen and cats of course!

Elsa: Yep... this just got a whole lot weirder...

~~The next Day~~
Elsa and Me: *watching Wolfy chase Jack*

Me: 3... 2... 1... ATTACK!!

Elsa and Me: *releases the army*

Elsa: Are you SURE we should do this??

Me: Well, besides liking Frozen Wolf, they do need to get along more... -__- You do realize that... right?

Elsa: *sigh* Thats true.

~~In the control room~~

Elsa: Ok... so how will they live? You took Jack's staff... And made it so that Jack has to live like a human...

Me: They will soon know... that I placed them 20 miles away from an oasis...-_-

Elsa and Me: *watching them argue*

Elsa: -_____-' I see why you wanted to make them get along more...

Me: EXACTLY! Oh... look at that. They are going the opposite direction of the oasis... wonderful.

Elsa: *makes the drone drop a note in the cooking pot*

Note: The survival key is the other way... Idiots...

Elsa: Why did you add idiots?!

Me: Cause Jack can't know that you were involved.

Elsa: Truee...

~~Back at Wolfy's Castle~~


Me: Besides, Elsa... We have a bigger problem...

Elsa: Yes... yes we do. -_-'

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