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LOL that is the makeup kits. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... Thank you @Killingyouslowly for the dare!

Me: *reading and feeling sad that no one is commenting* *sees the comment* \(^-^)/ *reads*

@Killingyouslowly - I dare each girl to give make up to each of their boys. Anna to Kristoff, Elsa to Jack, Merida to Hiccup, and Punzie to Flynn.

Me: O.M.G. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *presses button that splashes the GIRLS with water and hits them with a pillow*

Girls: AAAAAAAAAH!!!! *reads note* *walks to the meeting room*

Elsa: So, why did you bring us here KCat??

Me: I got a dare that you guys have to do make up on the boys.

Girls: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAHA *ROLFING*

Me: Let's get them! *le chase music* Ahem, its KCat at the Official Knockout your Paired-up Boy, and abduct them!! Aaaaannnd Rapunzel K.O.'s Flynn first, with a clean hit on the head with a frying pan! Oooh.. and she ties hair around him and starts dragging him! Let's move on to Merida... Um... Who is dragging Hiccup... while. he is sleeping... EWW MERIDA YOU BETTER CLEAN THAT DROOL!! Anyway, Elsa coming in third by freezing Jack's hands and feet, and using the wind to bring him here! Oh, and the wind is cleaning Jack's drool! Wonderful! And Anna sneaks up on Kristoff, punching him with that legendary punch to Hans, and is dragging Kristoff too! That wraps it up folks! With Punzie, Merida, and Elsa! Sorry, Anna, but you get a ribbon! BOYS WAKE UP!!

Boys: Wut?! *reads the dare*

Jack: 0///0 WAT!

Me: Let's get started!! *gives the girls makeup and everything like ribbons, ect.*

Merida: Aye... I'm not good at this, mate! Can you do it?


Hiccup: I feel safer in KCat's makeup hands then Merida...

Merida: -_- Gee, Hiccup. Thanks for thee support.

The other boys: *trying to escape*

Me: Oh guys, relax! I handcuffed you to the chair!

~~2 hours later~~

Elsa: The new and improved, JACK!!

Jack: -_- *has pink hair, blush, lipstick and ribbons on his hair. Wearing shoes that match his hoodie*

Kristoff: ^-^ Anna did some nice things! *a hint of blush, hair is not muddy, suit is very high class*

Flynn: >_< I DON'T WANNA- *gets shoved out of the curtain* *Has a dress on*

Hiccup: ... just get it over with. *ribbons in his braids, in a teal dress, and his hair is red*

Me: ... ... ...

I died the end.


Everyone: *Rolfing*

Jack: Flynn... HAHAHAHA... OMG... I CAN'T!


Jack: ... -___- You had to remind me?

Me: I forgot! To add to the dare... I added something.

Hiccup: Crap.

Me: You have to wear the outfit for a week. >:)


Girls: *giggling*

~~2 days later~~

Hiccup and Flynn: KCAT I CAN'T BREATHE!!

~~the next day~~


~~at the end of the week~~

Jack: *flying around* I'M FREEEEEEEEEE

Hiccup: Toothless, you have no idea how tight that dress was!

Flynn: Ugh... Punzie, that dress was too small!

Kristoff: Can I keep mine?

The other boys: 0.0 You WANT to keep yours?!

*heated argument*

Me: Anyways- *dodges a vase thrown my way* NO THROWING!! Well, as I was saying- ANNA GIMME MY PHONE!!

Anna: Thanks for reading this chapter of Ask or Dare the Super Six! Super Six, signing out!


Thanks for reading this dare! Thanks for the dare!! It was fun to write! As always, Ask or Dare, don't forget to vote and share!

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