Wolfy Dared... >:D

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To make me feel better, which this did cause it made me happy to write for a reason, Wolfy dared.... >:D This will be awesome... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Me: *annoyed with life and looking at phone* Hmm? What is this? *clicks notification* Urgh... Can't read this. *puts on glasses*

Wolfy: I dare Jack to ignore Elsa and spend his time with me (Wolfy) to make her jealous and think I'm stealing Jack from her. Then, act like we kiss when Elsa walks into the room.

Me: Hehehehehehe... >:D *teleports to the Wolfy's world* (Due to the fact that my world's Elsa still has a crush on Hiccup...) *sends Jelsa (one of my cat minions) to capture Jack from Wolfy's world*

Jack: ?! MMPHHH!!

~~After Jack wakes up~~

Jack: Huh?! Um... *sees Wolfy* Aw... This isn't a prank is it?! Wish she liked me more..

Me: Nope. *shows the dare*

Jack: YOU dared this?! *looks at Wolfy*

Wolfy: Well... she was really really sad.

Jack: *glares* She will hate me... *groans* Fine. Let's get on with the dare.

~~The Next Day~~

Elsa: Jack! *hugs him* How's your day been? *leans in to kiss*

Jack: Sorry Elsa... *bats her away*

Wolfy: *yawn* Morning guys...

Jack: *jumps up and hugs Wolfy* Hey, dear!

Elsa: WHAT?! *sniffle*

Wolfy: *fake smile* Gosh I feel awful.. Aw... Same to you too... Babe! Ugh.

Elsa: *sniff* *runs out of the room*

~~Later that day (at lunch)~~

Elsa: Please, Jackie-poo... Why are you hanging out with that loser?! (Due to the hate for stealing her boyfriend, Elsa is very mad at Wolfy)

Jack: *ignores* So, Wolfy, challenge you to a snowball fight! *grins*

Everyone else besides Elsa, Jack, and Wolfy: O.O

Anna: *whispers to Olaf* Is he ok?

~~After the fight~~

Jack: Ha... ha... ha... ha... HAHAHAHA! I beat you- ooF!

Wolfy: *smirks* Who beat who now? *tossing another snowball*


Elsa: He... never lets anyone win... Not even me... *fury rising*

~~That night~~

Jack: Lets go to your room, Wolfy and have fun! (You hate me don't you)

Everyone besides Wolfy, Jack: .-. o.o 0.0 0O0 WHAAAAT?!

Wolfy: OKK!! ^-^

~~In their room~~

*I randomly jump in*

Me: Whatca doin'??

Jack: We are going to play...


A/N I am so dead...


Have a cupcake while waiting!


Yea I'm dead.

Wolfy: -Monopoly!

Me: *smirk* I am so beating you two..

~~After the game~~

Me: HA! $5081! Beat you by one, Wolfy!

Wolfy: *grumble* By 1!! ONEEE!!

Jack: *lost by paying us the money for rent XD*

Me: Well, I have to go.. *poof*

Jack: *leans forward*

Wolfy: *leans forward*

Elsa: HIIIIIYYYYAAAAA! *karate kicks the door* DON'T TOUCH HIM!

Frozen Wolf: XD *ROLFing*


Elsa: *giant snowball onto them* *walks away*


I am soooo dead. I'm going to run from Wolfy. Bye!

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