Frozen Wolf: Part 2

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Me: ANNA~ *throws a cat toy at her*

Anna: *stops*

Me: Wolfy is FINE! She's  with Jack! ^-^

Anna: O.O WHAAAAAAAAAT?! THEY ARE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER!! *starts panicking again*

Elsa: I hate to do this, Anna... *freezes Anna's feet*

Me: Why does EVERYONE think they are going to kill each other?

Hiccup: Because they absolutely hate each other.

Merida: I've never seen Wolfy get mad at ANYBODY HERE except Jack...

Me: Well, there was Elsa reading Wolfy's computer...

Elsa: O.O How did you know?!

Me: And there was that time Jack was proud of Wolfy for throwing a snowball at Bunny's face...

Everyone except me: O.o WAAAAIIIIIIT... WHAT?!

Me: Anna was on Wolfy's computer again...

Anna: Um... No I DIDN'T!!

Me: -____- Liar. I was watching from my Nyan Cat and saw you sneak into Wolfy's Office. Also... There were chocolate marks on the mouse.

Anna: ........ I'm dead aren't I. 

Me: I'll be telling Wolfy when she comes back... >:D Then, Hiccup and Astrid reading her computer again....

Asstrid (Again... Intended): *walks up to me* BUT YOU WON'T TELL HER WILL YOU?! *pulls my ear again* (Honestly... You should realize since I'm part cat, I only have cat ears...)


Hiccstrid: *fighting... again*

Me: And... ME! 

Everyone except me: You?

Me: Well, yes. She hates me for shipping Frozen Wolf!

Kristoff: *randomly appears* Well, I think they are good together!

Anna: KRISTOFF!!! *jumps on top of him and chokes him* I thought you had work!!

Elsa: Hi Kris- Wait. WHAT?! O.o

Rapunzel: Besides... Either we will get a Jack Strip, or a Wolfsicle... Besides... How long did you stow them away?

Me: Well... I may have put them at the McDonalds Islands desert, otherwise known as the McFlurry (XD) for 6 months, 20 miles away from the oasis.

Anna: WHAAAAT?! The world is going to end!!

KCat: Well, with hate comes love!! 

Everyone excpet Elsa: WHAT?

Hiccup: -__- Great. Another ship here. 

KCat: PSSSSH!!! Besides, the Hiccup, Merida, Kristoff, and Anna in my world ships Frozen Wolf.

Hiccup, Merida, Anna: What.

Me: Anyway... Jelsa is still my OTP! \(^-^)/ And also... -_-; they need to get along better.

Everyone: *nods*

Merida: I agree... I'm tired of hearing running, having my door frozen shut, and yelling. SO... MUCH... YELLING... 

Hiccup: There is no hope, KCat... They hate each other and always will. *gets hit with a pot of catnip*


~~Wolfy and Jack~

Drone: *drops note and runs off*

Jack: Huh? Wolfy, look at this!

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