Anna... Use Slap!

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Part 1. I dare Merida to act like a girly girl for 24 hours.

Part 2. I dare Hiccup to act like he hates everything.

Part 3. I dare Anna to slap Elsa (hardish) every time she makes eye contact.

Part 4. I dare Jack and Else to act like they hate each other.

Part 5. I dare Rapunzel to make what seems like a really good meal, but its really horrible. Also I dare everyone to have a food fight!

These are all secret dares. (meaning only the ones who were dared know about them)

Me: -_- How will I get Anna up? *idea* ANNA! I GOT CHOCOLATE!

Anna: Chocolate? Where? CHOCOLATE *sees my Govida* GODVIA!! *tackles me*

~~After Anna eats my chocolate~~

Anna: Mmm... So what did you want to talk about??

Me: No yelling, buuuut... you got a dare.

Anna: A dare!- MPPH!

Me: Hush!

Anna: *nods* Omigosh! I got a dare!

Me: You aren't gonna like this... Don't kill me... You need to slap Elsa everytime you make eye contact...


Me: Shut. Up.

Anna: *muffled* You suck.

~~At Breakfast~~

Elsa: Hey Anna! ^-^ *makes eye contact*

Anna: Argh.. Screw you, KCat. *slaps*

Everyone besides Punzie: O_o

Punzie: *walks in* Ok, we got bacon and eggs... *falters* Uhm... is this a bad time?

Elsa: Anna? *eye contact*

Anna: *slap*

Elsa: Anna... HOW COULD YOU?! YOU *****! (Frost. I don't cuss, and neither does my book)

Anna: *runs away*

Kristoff: Hey, guys. Have you seen Anna? *sees empty chair and Elsa's red cheek* -_- You got angry at Anna for slapping you so you called her a fro- (NO CUSSING)

Everyone: O.o

Eugene: What else do you know?

Kristoff: Well, I know Punzie has been on Icegram, checking out guys.

Punzie: O////O Eugene, I can explain.

Eugene: You better...

Kristoff: Well, Flynn. Then you should stop putting glue in your wife's brush.

Eugene: Uh. Ah... Punzie... I can well... explain? I'm dead.

Punzie: *very red* YOU DID THAT?! *grabs his ear and drags him outside*

Eugene: Ow ow ow ow ow ow!

Hiccup, stop hugging the bow Mer made you to sleep. Mer, stop cuddling that Nightfury doll to sleep. And Astrid, stop painting Hiccup's face on the ceiling.

Mer, Hiccup, Astrid: -////- Thanks a lot.

Kristoff: KCat, please stop writing our scripts in class, I understand you don't want to abandon your readers, but you need to do your homework!


Kristoff: Oooookaaaay... Moving on. Jack and Elsa, stop staying up and watching each other's movies! Just admit that you like each other.

Voice: How do you know this?

Kristoff: Not saying. Now go back to your homework.

Voice: *sigh* Fine. (Not gonna! :P)


Anna: *drinking chocolate liquor* (It's real. Find in Austria)

Me: What's wrong?

Anna: Go away. *sniff*

Dun dun dun... A wild Hans appears!

Hans: Anna. Have you been crying since I left? I knew you can't resist my charm.

Anna: Never. *punches him into mud*


Me: Feel better?

Anna: *nods*

Me: Now go finish that dare.

Anna: You *****. (Frost)

~~At Lunch~~

Elsa: Anna... I'M SO SORRY! *looks at Anna's eyes*

Anna: *slap*

~~At 11:59PM~~

Elsa: Come on, come on! 1 more minute!

Clock: 12:00AM

Elsa: ANNA!


Elsa: Anna! Anna! It's 12AM! You don't have to slap me anymore! I hope...

Anna: *slap* Go back to sleep!


Hope you liked that chapter!!

Me: Ask or Dare, don't forget to vote and share!

Anna: Super Six, signing out! -_^

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