Digital Editing

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This chapter, starring Nightwing and Red Hood!


Red Hood: *breaks down my door*

Nightwing: ⊙△⊙ Why would you do that?!

Red Hood: Like you haven't raided someone's home for information. Besides, she's at school right now!

Nightwing: No, I haven't!

Red Hood: Well, aren't you a goody-two-shoes?

Nightwing: ( ̄s ̄;

Red Hood: *walks in* Wooooaah...

Nightwing: *follows* What? *looks at my PRIVATE computer* Oh, wow.

Nightwing: *follows* What? *looks at my PRIVATE computer* Oh, wow

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Nightwing: That's pretty cool! (⊙ᗜ⊙)

(note: These characters do not belong to me, they are from a deleted game called Quiz RPG)

Red Hood: Eh, this one's more of my type.

Nightwing: (_ _|||) Of course you would like Chaos

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Nightwing: (_ _|||) Of course you would like Chaos.

Red Hood: *clicks next photo*

Red Hood: (●__●) Who the heck is Iris?

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Red Hood: (●__●) Who the heck is Iris?

Nightwing: Why are you asking me? (・・) I'm as clueless as you are.

Red Hood and Nightwing: *stare*

Red Hood and Nightwing: *stare*

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Nightwing: What the... (゚Д゚;)

Red Hood: What the hell is that?! (◯Δ◯∥)

Nightwing: Wait. *stops* Oh my goodness, KCat's back. RUN!

Bat Boys: *runs*

Me: *yawn* Back to bed I go- WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN MY ROOM? *sees lionthing* OH NOOOO 

Jack: Oooo, you guys are in so much trouble. XD

Me: *grabs them* That was for a school project, you weren't supposed to see those!

Nightwing: I take it you like editing? 

Me: No duh, I make all of my book covers, why wouldn't I like editing? What, did you think I paid someone to make the cover?

Bat Boys: ... (・・;)

Me: (; ̄ー ̄川 Are you two serious right now? Do I look that untalented?

Bat Boys: ._./) ... ._.

Nightwing: You can shoot arrows... well?

Red Hood: And take me down easily even though you're tiny?

Bat Boys: And bake?

Me: (¬_¬)

Nightwing: Um... It's just... (((゚Д゚Д゚Д゚)))

Red Hood: We didn't think you would be good at computer editing, much less computer art! ⚆ᗝ⚆

Me: (ノ#--)ノ\。゜。 DIEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Bat Boys: RUUUUN!! ᕕ(╯°□°)ᕗ


Did you guys like the emoticons? XD Welp, those really are edits made by me, and I like making covers for my own stories.

I'm having trouble updating due to finals coming up in a week, so I have to start studying. I'll be back soon, it's summer in like 2 weeks!


Nightwing: Ask or dare... (O∆O)

Red Hood: Don't forget to vote and share! (((ノ)゚Д゚(ヽ))))

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