Happy Birthday

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This is dedicated to my BFF, epicness123abc... She has stood by my side for 5 years, and helped me so much...

Wow, epicness123abc, I can't believe it was only 5 years ago since I met you in elemetary... that one day I was just waiting for the bell to ring, and you come with Laura to play with me. I will never forget that day... Then we became separated and only saw each other in the summer. We changed, from height to hair, but were still friends. Then middle school came along, and I was excited to be with you again. As time went on, you started to pull away from me, and go to JR. I was frightened because without you, I was alone. I found a group to be with, and for that 6th grade, I had never been so scared in my life. 7th grade came along, and you became friends with Nicky, Tori, Arielle, and the rest of the gang. I was so scared of being left alone that i did reckless things. But look at us now, 8th graders, getting ready for high school. I look forward to this year so much.

Happy Birthday BFF,

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