One-Shot: Nightcat~

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Dear gods... Wolfy wanted a one shot of Nightcat.... So here ya go... Still can't believe you made me do that.


It was another day in the giant castle in Kat Kingdom. There was the sudden whoosh of Jack Frost flying away from an angry, blue haired Merida. There was also Elsa singing and dancing with Anna. Punzie was in the kitchen, preparing lunch, and Hiccup was in his lab building. But recently, the Bat Family had come to join this crazy group, and they were trying their hardest not to smile at the events going on around them. Batman however, noticed one missing person or, half-human for that matter.

"Has... Anyone seen KCat?" Everyone stopped in their tracks. Their landlord was missing! Disneyworks disappeared to check on her friends to see if KCat had gone to visit them, while the Bat Family went looking for her around the castle. Nightwing patrolled around her living quarters, knowing how much cats love to sleep. What he didn't expect was the sound of a blade dropping onto stone. His eyes widened. What was she doing in there?

Kicking down the door (like the idiot he was), he slightly facepalmed when he realized the door was unlocked. If he saved her, she would kill him. This time, he tested to see if the bathroom door was locked. Seeing it was, he slammed his shoulder into the wooden frame, making the wood chips fall. 

"WHAT THE HELL?!" A familiar voice rang out as he looked up. There was KCat, wrapped in a towel picking up a shaving blade. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE YOU PERVERT?!" She ran up and kicked his chest, causing him to fly out of the bathroom and luckily, onto her bed. He groaned in response. He stayed like this for a minute and once his head stopped ringing, he opened his eyes and gulped as he watched an angry Silver Feline (completely suited up) glared at him.

 He stayed like this for a minute and once his head stopped ringing, he opened his eyes and gulped as he watched an angry Silver Feline (completely suited up) glared at him

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Her toga glowed a dull silver, which matched with the golden moon that held it up. The sword gleamed on her back, and the lilac sash that was tied loosely fluttered in the breeze that she made. Her lilac bow was strapped onto her back, and her dull and shiny silver leggings kneed his stomach. The lilac flats were carefully placed on his stomach, holding him down from any movement.

How the hell did she change so fast?! Trying to ease the tension between a VERY angry cat, he goes for the joking route. "You change that fast? You must have had some practice." He gives her the smirk that usually all girls fall for, but she remains impassive. Her purple and silver eyes seem to glow with fire, and in a second, he's held by his neck with a dagger.

"I don't care for your stupid sexual jokes, you pervert. What the hell were you doing, breaking into a girl's room?" Gulping, he watched the silver tip of the dagger get closer to his neck. "Hey, I was just trying to ease the tension! Everyone thinks you disappeared." She seemed to accept this explanation and stepped off of him, allowing him to flip and land on the ground. Leaning against the wall, he watches the fires in her eyes die down. "Say, I thought cats hated water. Don't you groom yourselves?" He blinked. That's how fast it took her to throw the silver dagger at his neck. Watching a sliver of his black hair fall, Nightwing looked away from her newly enraged eyes.

"You dare. Put all cats in one classified group... I will rip your guts out." Oh shi-. Stopping himself from cussing, he tries to let a sigh. "Well, not my fault you're half pu- Guh!" Her hand was now on his neck, and she narrowed her eyes. 

"Mind finishing that?"

He shook his head. "Good." Letting go, she sighed. "You said they're all looking for me?" He nodded, throat still sore from her grip. They walked out of the room and the first thing he saw was Jason holding a video camera, with the red light blinking. He mentally groaned. That was going to be leverage for the rest of his life. He always boasted that Silver Feline could never beat him. If he didn't want that displayed on the Young Justice, Justice League, and Teen Titans TV, he would have to do everything Red Hood wanted him to do. Even Damian was grinning, and Batman had the slightest of smiles on his face.

"How long..." His voice sputtered out as Feline swayed over to Jason, and with a smirk, spoke. "Send me the full video. You dare show me in my towel, I will shatter your mask and destroy your precious guns." Damian started laughing as the infamous leader of the Outlaws shivered.

And just like that, she popped out again in her kimono/ninja like outfit, mainly white with the borders being a light blue. Her purple and silver hair was tied into a ponytail, and her head was adorned with a silver headdress with a cat face on it. Nightwing jumped slightly, still unused to the world that KCat had in her mind.

"KCat!" The Bat Family turned to look at the entire Disneyworks crew jump, attempting to dog pile her. She moved out of the way, making them land on the Bat Family. Nightwing sputtered as he tried to get a metal leg off his stomach. Feeling the weight lessens suddenly, he watched his family get up. Already tired from 'fighting' KCat, he had no energy.

"Up you go!" A slender and small hand lifted him up, and he stared into the eyes of his landlady. She turned her head, accidentally smacking him with her hair. "Guys, I was just taking a shower... " Jack's jaw dropped. "You use showers? I thought cats groom them- Oof!" Elsa elbowed him in the stomach. KCat rolled her eyes and left the scene while Disneyworks was still bickering.

Nightwing ran after her.

"Why are you following me?" She paused, making him crash into her. "Um..." His mind went blank and he went into Dick Grayson mode. "Just wanted to ask if it hurt when you fell from heaven." She let out a noise that sounded like she wanted to strangle someone, and blew her hair out of her face. "No, it burned when I crawled out of the depths of hell." His eyes widened.

"That must be why you're so hot." She smirked at his reply. "But my heart is shielded by ice." He paused, wracking his brain for a comeback. "Guess I'll have to come back when I'm dead and be a demon that melts it."

Giggling, she spoke. "But I'll be in heaven by then." Nightwing sputtered, out of ideas. Then the pickup line came back. "Then I wonder if it'll hurt when you fall from heaven?" They both blinked at each other, and started to laugh. 

"That was perfect." Jack's voice rang out. Jason again, held his video camera, the red light blinking. Nightwing had a sudden idea.

"So KCat..." She looked at him, ears slightly twitching. "We were flirting right?" She nodded, but with an uncertain look on her face.

"Then let's finish it up." He pulled KCat in for a kiss. Jack's jaw dropped and he flew out, quickly with Jason right behind him. He let go of her to stare at the blue and red colors they left behind.

"OW!" He yelled as she kicked him and walked away. He didn't catch the small glow of pink that dusted her face.



*runs after Wolfy*

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