'Yummy Yummy' Food Fight!

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Hey guys~ KCat here with another dare. Hope you like it! My friend Angel is joining me in my Ask or Dare books. (BTW, she's sorta has a crush on Jack Frost...)

Part 1. I dare Merida to act like a girly girl for 24 hours.

Part 2. I dare Hiccup to act like he hates everything.

Part 3. I dare Anna to slap Elsa (hardish) every time she makes eye contact.

Part 4. I dare Jack and Else to act like they hate each other.

Part 5. I dare Rapunzel to make what seems like a really good meal, but its really horrible. Also I dare everyone to have a food fight!

These are all secret dares. (meaning only the ones who were dared know about them) 


Punzie: Zzz... *drooling*

Me: *sneaks into room* Psst. Punzie?

Punzie: ?! *wakes up and punches my nose* Hm? *falls back to sleep*

Me: *clutching nose* I need some help for this. I'm going to call a friend.

~5 minutes later~

Angel (This is Otaku_4eva): This better be good. Why would you wake me at 2 AM?

Me: I need to do a dare with Punzie, but I've run into some problems.

Angel: Fine. But this is for...?


~After dragging Eugene out~

Angel and I: PUNZIE!!!

Punzie: *punches Angel's nose* AAAHH!

Angel: *clutches nose* I see why you needed assistance.

Me: Punzie, we got a dare for you. Cook a 'good' meal, then it's time for a FOOD FIGHT!!!

Punzie: *hops out of bed* Ok, I'm ready!

Angel: Ok, Punzie needs to raid all the trash cans in Kat Castle...

Punzie: *magically makes trash bag appear* Okay!

Angel and I: O_O Where'd you get that?

Angel: *looks down at my list* And we get to go shopping? I thought it was bad food.

Me: It'll make sense later.

~At 5 AM~

Me: Punzie, got your trash?

Punzie: *holds up trashbag* Yup~

Angel: Omigoodness. *sprays snow-scented perfume* (Pfft... XD You know what I'm implying...)

Me:  You are going to make all 3 meals. The first two will be normal, um... Pancakes for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. Then dinner will be the trash.

Angel: I'm taste testing them first.

Me: *rolls eyes* Anyway, Punzie. You got that info?

Punzie: K.

~At 8 AM~

Everyone: *wakes up* *sniffs the air* Breakfast! *runs/flies down to the kitchen*

Me: Hey guys. This is my friend, Angel. 

Jack: Hey , aren't you that girl that liked ROTG? Highfive!

Angel: *stares*

Jack: Um... Ok then...

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