Sick. Very Sick.

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Dick (Quit it you immature people):What the hell? KCat's gonna be late for high school! *knocks door again*

Jason: The door's locked. Did she run away again?

Jack: She's only done this a few times...

Elsa: But now? It's spring!

Punzie: But you get it in the spring!

Elsa: Shut it Punzie, those Bat Boys don't need to know.

Jason: *pout* Well, I'm going to break down the door.

Disneyworks: WAIT, DON'T!

Jason: *breaks down door*

Damian: o_O Did... she kill someone?

Jack: Elsa... This doesn't look like her usual-

Somewhere: *vomiting*

Jack: Oh crud.

Tim: *runs into bathroom*

Me: *bloody nose* =皿= GET OUT!

Tim: (^_^;) Okay... *leaves*

Dick (I swear....): Is she okay?

Tim: We should all go. *drags everyone out*

Jack: So what is it this time?

Tim: Are all her sicknesses this terrifying?

Jack: -_-# You have no idea.

Elsa: One time, she got so sick if the blanket touched her body, she would scream. Said needles were piercing her skin.

Damian: Why not use Punzie?

Punzie: Eek. ( ´▽' )ノ I wish, but she doesn't react to it well. When I try, her sickness gets worse.

Jason: So... No school?

Jack: Nope. Oh gods... Who's going as her this time?

Everyone: *points at Damian*

Damian: *points at Punzie* (¬_¬)ノ Fine. Wait, but I'm a guy.


Damian: ⊙_⊙ I'm not going in there.

AND... CUT! Yes I am sick, but I still had to go to school. =皿=

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