What Country do you live in?

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Hello everyone. It's now summer break. You might be wondering then why can't I update more? WELL... I'm writing this in Algebra class right now. That's right. Summer School.

Also, I've been updating my FIMfictions... (MLP Fanfictions)


Me: Hi guys. I'm back!

Jack: *tackle hug* YOU WERE GONE FOR SO LONG... T_T

Me: It was only half a month.

Jack: STILL!

Me: I was busy reading NINJAGO fanfi- Er... I mean I was busy in Summer School. I have Algebra.

Elsa: So what brings you back to this castle?

Me: I realized that I haven't opened up my dares and questions yet. I am going to do that after this question... Asked by Nellie. I promised her and... welp. 

Merida: Spit it out, lassie!

Me: Okay. What country do you live in?

Everyone: -_- *looks at Nellie* Really?

Me: BE NICE! *smacks everyone with a staff* Since you guys are so nice... Undertale goes first!

(A/N Okay, this one is just a theory, but I have a small reason to believe that this MIGHT be the ending scene of Undertale)

Sans: Gee... I dunno. I would guess maybee... the USA.

Me: Why?

Toriel: I believe when we exited the cavern, we arrived in the... Grand Canyon?

(A/N Okay, I believe that it's the Grand Canyon, cause at the ending scene, they stand at the edge of a canyon. The canyon has tons of caves, some that are unable to access. So what if one of the caves lead to the barrier?)

Merida: Lassie. Where do you THINK I live? Oy, even Mordu coul' find out... I'm from Scotland.

Hiccup: Um... I think I'm from Scandinavia. My parents never really told me.


Angel: Clear the area everyone. *dun dun dun* Because KCat is crying.

Jack: Where are you from, Angel?

Angel: *deadpan stare* I totally live far away from KCat. I live in the USA...

Jack: Well... I'm mostly just traveling all the time. But when I was human, I lived in the colonies. I guess in present day New York... 

Elsa&Anna: We live in Norway.

Punzie: I live in Germany.

Me: How would you know?

Punzie: I have lessons that my parents force me into.

Kristoff+Flynn: We live with our wives! -_-

Me: WELP. That's it! Bye!


Ask or Dare, don't forget to vote and share!

Anna: Super Six, signing out~

Hey guys. I did so much research to pinpoint these fairytale characters homes. Merida, Undertale, Angel, and I were easy.

The story Rapunzel originated in Germany. That's why Punzie lives in Germany.

At the Viking times, they lived in Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. All of those are peninsulas, so I chose the one that looked most like an island. 

Jack's family looks live one of those from the Mayflower, and I looked up where he would most likely live. That was the best result for Jack. Also, Jamie lives in New York. I'd like to believe that Jack is an ancestor of Jamie, which explains the closeness of them two.

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