Pansy the jealous bitch

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"Hey, Drakie, where are you going?" whined Parkinslut in her nasal voice. Y/N couldn't help but think that she was a clingy bitch, but of course she was biased. Then again, did Pansy always need to interrogate her boyfriend whenever he got up to go to the loo?

"Just the bathroom. I'll be back," Draco replied, slightly annoyed. Y/N couldn't help but feel bad for Draco; his girlfriend never gave him any breathing room.

It seemed that Pansy had seen Y/N watch Draco walk out of the room, judging by her comment: "What are you looking at, Y/N?!" With a roll of her eyes, Y/N ignored her.

It was only a few minutes later that Pansy piped up again with a sigh, "Oh, where has my love gone off to? What's taking him so long-"

"Oh, could you bloody please shut up?" Y/N said without a thought.

"Excuse me?"

When Y/N looked up from the homework that she was working on, Pansy looked absolutely enraged. Her face was red and she was standing, facing Y/N with the ugliest expression she had ever seen on her face. It was all Y/N could do to keep from bursting with laughter.

Rather than laugh, however, Y/N thought it was about time to put Pansy in her place. "Give your boyfriend some space, would ya? I'm sure he doesn't appreciate a goblin like you breathing down his neck all the time."

"At least I have a boyfriend! Who are you to talk! I bet you've never even been in a relationship."

Setting down her papers, Y/N responded, "Well I at least have the decency not to sleep around while in one."

"Are you trying to imply that I've been cheating on Draco?" Pansy's question was given in a high-pitched nasally scream that brought the eyes of everyone in the common room upon them.

"Well, I'm not implying that you aren't."

"Why you little rat!" With this exclamation, Pansy darted out her wand and a shot of red sparks flew at Y/N, which she promptly dodged by falling out of her chair. A roll of laughter over the small crowd in the common room echoed as she hit the floor.

"Now you've done it," Y/N heard someone mutter from behind her as she stood up.

Dusting her robes off, she shot Pansy a dirty look before whipping out her own wand and shooting yellow sparks at her. The two shot at each other and dodged their way around the room until a larger crowd began to form.

"You can't tell me how to run my relationship!" screeched Pansy.

"Well you don't seem to need any help; you're running it into the ground just fine yourself."

The banter continued only until Draco walked back in a moment later, promptly stopping the girls with the flick of his wand and blue streaks of light shooting into the room, dispersing the crowd. 

"What the bloody hell happened while I was in the toilet?"

Y/N, who had by now put away her wand, was about to respond when something knocked her off of her feet and onto the ground. 

"Wow, what a cheap shot," she muttered very audibly. "Pansy, what the hell is wrong with you? You've been batshit crazy for the past few weeks, and if you don't stop this soon-"

"Oh, Drakie poo! It was awful! This mean bitch tried to attack me," Pansy whined, cutting off her boyfriend, throwing herself onto him.

"Oh, sod off," he said, shoving her off. "Are you alright, Y/N?"

Y/N had risen and gotten a hold of her things as this exchange had been occurring. "I'm just fine, thank you. Get a hold of your girlfriend though, she's a bitch."

"Yeah, hold on," abruptly, he turned to Pansy. "I think this is over, Pansy." And with another spin on his heels, he grabbed a hold of Y/N's hand and murmured in her ear, "She was shit in bed anyway. I could use a real woman to bed."

Y/N pulled away and winked.

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