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A/N: This takes place during The Goblet of Fire.

I was in the library studying when he sat across from me. "What do you want, Diggory?" I asked, sitting up straight.

"Y/N, I need your help," he said.

"Why would I help a Hufflepuff?" I asked, intrigued at his request.

He sighed, "Just because you're a Slytherin doesn't mean you don't have a heart. The last challenge is a labyrinth and I want to be prepared. Your best subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"True but you have friends who are older than me who are also knowledgeable in Defense Against the Dark Arts so why me?" I challenged.

"None of them are smarter than you when it comes to this," Cedric admitted.

"Well, Cedric, consider my ego stroked. Fine," I said and took out a piece of parchment and began writing spells and what they do.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Hush," I replied, focusing on writing this list. He was quiet and sat patiently as I scribbled away. "Here. This is a list of spells that should come in handy for any situation that arises in the maze," I said, handing him the parchment.

"Thank you, Y/N," Cedric said.

"You're welcome, Cedric. Good luck," I replied and he walked away. Not even a minute later, my boyfriend roughly pulled out the chair next to me and sat. "Hello, Draco," I greeted.

"Don't 'hello Draco' me! I saw what just happened!" he whisper-yelled.

"Why don't you enlighten me, love?" I asked.

"Diggory! He was flirting with you! What was on that parchment? Did you tell him to meet you somewhere? Y/N, if you're gonna cheat on me, you really think a Hufflepuff is the way to go?" Draco interrogated, a look of digust on his face as he look forward.

"Shut up, Malfoy! Do you hear how ridiculous you sound?!" I tried to stay as quiet as possible, was he seriously accusing me of this? "Draco, we've been best friends since birth, we've been dating for two years! He wasn't flirting, he just wanted help for the tournament. On the parchment was a list of spells for the last challenge," I explained but he turned his beautiful face to the side. "Draco, look at me!" I placed my hands under his chin and led his face to face mine, anger still very present. "I would never cheat on you, love," I said softly, searching his eyes for trust.

"He looked very comfortable near you, Y/N. No one should be. You're mine! You don't know what flirting is, it was so clear on his face!" he fought.

"No, it wasn't. He didn't look at me the way I look at you," it came out as practically a whisper but I knew he heard me. It seemed to get him out of his jealous daydream.

I saw his jaw clench. "Y/N, I'm scared to lose you. We've been a duo for the longest time, I don't know what I would do if someone broke that," he looked down now.

I moved forward, aligning my lips to his ear, "No one could break us apart, Draco. I love you indefinitely and unconditionally." His arms wrapped around me. "You're silly when you're jealous, baby," I added, returning his hug.

"Y/N, could you-" he began to ask.

"No one needs to know," I interrupted, aware of his insecurities.

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