How do you use this?

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Draco had decided to come and spend a week with you during the summer at your home in Brighton. He had never seen a Muggle's home before nor had he ever dated one (until now that is), but he was intrigued to find out how you lived your life without using magic.

To start with, you told him there was no magic allowed in the house. It was your mom's rule, and she was pretty strict about it, but whenever she was gone your dad would let you make things become invisible, transform your dog into different animals for fun, stuff like that. So either way, it didn't matter.

Your parents had left that night to go on one of their date nights, leaving you and Draco alone in the house. So far, you had showed him your room, taught him how to use a telephone, showed him how to make certain foods with his hands instead of magic, cuddled, and made out. Now that it was pretty late and you both were tired, you decided you'd have him watch something on your TV.

Only problem is, he didn't know how to work it.

He stared at it, tapped the glass, and jumped back, as if it was going to break. You were in the other room making popcorn and here he was, trying to figure out what this strange box's function was.

He pressed a button on the TV that said "power" above it. When he did, the TV came on, and it tuned in to a program the TV called "Friends".

He sat back and stared at the screen, watching the pictures move, the people talk, and the colors take over the screen. He laughed when a person named Chandler walked in a skinny, dirty blonde haired woman's apartment right after she had just taken a shower. Apparently, she had walked out of the bathroom at the same time he walked in and he accidentally saw her naked - well, almost. The woman's name was Rachel.

You walked in with a bowl of popcorn in your hand, and saw Draco laughing at the Friends episode he was watching. You smiled and plopped down next to him on the couch.

"I see you figured out how to turn on the TV." you smiled brightly at him.

He smiled back at you and kissed your forehead, before looking down at the puffed up, odd shapes in your bowl.

He cocked his head to the side, "What's that?"

You smiled at him, taking in how cute he looked when he was confused and trying to figure something out. "It's called popcorn. You take kernels of corn and put them in the microwave for a few minutes. When you take them out, they look like this. Try it."

You pushed the bowl towards him and he stared at it before taking a piece and putting into his mouth. He chewed on it slowly then smiled.

"You like it?" you asked.

He nodded and reached down to get more. You giggled and settled into his side, his arm slung around your shoulders with his hands reaching to get more popcorn.

You grabbed the remote to turn the TV down, seeing as how it was a little loud.

He eyed the long, plastic-looking rectangle in your hand. "What's that?"

You smiled at him. "This is a remote. It controls the TV. See?"

You showed him which buttons you were using and turned the volume up and down. Then you switched to the channel buttons and showed him how to change the channel. When he asked what the numbers on the 'remote' were for, you told him that if you'd like to get to a specific channel and not waste five minutes scrolling through channels to find the one you wanted, you could type in a certain number and it would take you to that channel.

To show him, you typed in the number "33" and it took him to a channel called 'Nickelodeon' where an episode of another show called "All That" was on. You switched the channel again and turned it to another channel called 'TBS' where an episode of a show called "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" was on.

You gave him the remote and let him take control. He flipped through channels, finding interesting programs on this thing you called a 'television'. He even found one he really liked called "Boy Meets World".

You taught him how to use the TV menu to change color scheme, lighting, audio, etc. You taught him how to switch the TV into different modes for your VHS, your Nintendo, and so forth. By the end of his little lesson, he was so intrigued that he declared he would go out and get a TV of his own to put in his room.

You smiled and pecked his cheek, causing him to smile and blush at you, and peck you on the lips before switching it back to Boy Meets World and watching episode upon episode with you until you fell asleep.

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