Dealing With Draco

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It was a brilliantly hot midsummer's afternoon and for once you were looking forward to heading down to the coolness of the dungeons for your potions class.

Your friend Phoebe Entwistle however, was not so excited about the prospect as she knew she would have to be in the presence of Draco Malfoy, a tall boy with shockingly white-blond hair and grey eyes that bore into you whenever he spoke to you - or more likely took the piss out of you.

Draco fancied himself as a ladies man and would go to extreme lengths to make girls feel nervous in his presence.

He had this effect over Phoebe in particular, and she hated him for it.

"Can we skip Potions today Y/N? I'm really not up for it." she questions, already knowing the answer.

"You know we can't Phoebe, we need to finish this potion today and Snape will be furious if we miss it," you answer sympathetically. "Listen, if he starts with you, I'll tell him precisely what I think of him and his sharp tongue." you jokingly add.

Phoebe gave you a half hearted smile as you walk into Potions and took your seats at the back of the classroom.

Sure enough, as soon as you sat down Draco was there, perching himself proudly on top of his stool with Blaise Zabini taking the stool to his right.

You felt Phoebe begin to shift in her seat as Draco shot her a sarcastic smile.

"Afternoon ladies." he smirks.

You begin to open your mouth to let him know that today isn't the day for stupid games when Professor Snape swooped into the class and you thought better of it and simply gave Phoebe a reassuring smile.

Throughout the lesson Malfoy did his best to make Phoebe feel uncomfortable and when the lesson ended and your best friend scurried to the common room without so much as a backward glance, you decided it was high time someone brought Malfoy down a peg or two and marched after him.

"Malfoy!" you snap.

"Oh, hey Y/L/N, come to ask me to dinner?" he jokes, looking around at his cronies for support.

"Why the fuck would I want to go to dinner with an obnoxious brat like you!?" you fume at him. "What is your problem anyway? Why can't you go through one potions lesson without arsing around with Phoebe and making her feel so uncomfortable that she'd rather skip lessons and have detention than go to class?"

"Oh I see what the problem is here, you'd rather me 'arse' around with you instead Y/N?" he sniggers.

"WHAT!? No, I err, NO that's not what the problem is Malfoy." you splutter, feeling his piercing eyes travel up and down your body and subconsciously wishing that it was winter so that you'd have had more clothes on.

"Boys, you head up to dinner while I chat to Y/L/N about all these problems she has with me." his friends look at each other knowingly and leave with a smirk.

Draco takes several steps towards you and you can feel his minty breath on your face.

"Do I make you nervous Y/N?" he asks, backing you up against the cold stone walls of the dungeons.

"No." you lie, gazing up at his grey eyes and realising for the first time how good looking he really is.

"Well then why do you look like a rabbit caught in the headlights?" he grins, his eyes roving and coming to a halt at your chest.

"Oh, yes, I do like this," he hooks his fingers into the top of your partially buttoned shirt, pulling it down and revealing more of your cleavage.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now