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You scratched something down on your note paper with a brand new quill. You were trying to concentrate on your potions homework at the moment, it was increasingly difficult seeing as this was your fifth year. You sighed, dropping the quill and lightly banging your forehead on the edge of the desk. Looking down between your knees you could see the green tint the fire lining the Slytherin commons room gave off.

"Ughhh," You groaned softly, raising your head and banging it again.

'Why do potions have to be so complicated?' You thought.

Pansy just so happened to be passing by, she gave you an odd look but scurried on as to not be seen scowling at the Prince of Slytherin's girlfriend. He just so happened to enter right about then,noticing your slumped over form, he assumed you'd fallen asleep, at least until you sat up.

You sat up rubbing your eyes furiously,trying your best to stay focused with a headache coming on. Suddenly a pair of familiar arms wrapped around your waist,you still squeaked in surprise.

"Hey there, Darling, Having trouble?" He cooed into your ear, you giggled lightly at his warm breath.

"Nah," You teased softly in a sarcastic tone, leaning you head back to get a glimpse of his pale face and platinum blonde locks.

"Liar," He replied,slipping onto the bench beside you. Now his arm was over your shoulder as his eyes ghosted over your open textbooks.

"You goin' to help me or what?" You asked,leaning your forehead on his. Draco smirked,

"Anything for you," He said before pecking your lips and forcing you to pick up the quill again.

After perhaps an hour of trying to explain to you potions you finally got through your homework.

"Thanks,Draco," You said sheepishly,pressing a kiss to his cheek as a thanks. He tightened the grip around your waist at the gesture.

"Whatever," He replied with almost unnoticeable blush coating his ivory skin, you giggled softly. Draco yawned suddenly into your hair, both arms pulling you sideways threatening to hold you in his lap.

"We better get to our dorms, Draco," You protested half-heartedly,resting your head on his shoulder lightly.

"Maybe you should, you sound tired," Draco replied stubbornly, pulling you to your feet. You grabbed you bag, shoving your homework into it and letting Draco lead you to your dorm room.

With one last chaste kiss, he reluctantly slunk back into the depth of the dimly lit common room towards his own sleeping quarters. You sighed contently collapsing on your black covered bed.

"It's not good to sleep in your robes," Came your room mate's nag. You sighed but rolled off the bed anyways, hitting the ground with a thud not that it affected you, before crawling off to the bathroom to change into a (Color) t-shirt and (Color) shorts.

Once you came back you snuggled into your clean sheets, mumbling a good night to your roommate who returned it as she blew out the last candle keeping the room a light.

"Oh and who are you,darling little thing?" Your roommate's voice broke you from your slumber. A hiss sounded across the room and the next thing you heard was your room mate yelp. You hear someone snicker, before you felt something leap onto your bed. Whatever it was stopped in front of your face, then you felt something cold come in contact with your cheek.

"Go away," you mumbled, somehow knowing you still had a few hours of sleep left before you absolutely had to get up,besides today was a Saturday or at least you thought it was.

"Meow," The thing you refused to let wake you said, almost in an angry way. You growled back, cracking open a/an (E/C) eye hesitantly. You were quite surprised when you were met with a pair of steel gray ones attached to a light blonde cat,that didn't look very happy.

"What?" You muttered,propping yourself up on one elbow. The cat let out a groan, of sorts, before turning away and grabbing something off of your night stand. You giggled as his tail lashed furiously behind him, hitting your nose and face several times in it's wake.

"Hey- what're you doing with that, you,you silly cat," You said realizing the cat just so happened to be holding your homework in his mouth.

"Mrowww," he whined, dropping it in front of you. It was the potions questions Draco had helped you with.

"Can you please not destroy that, that took a long time, ya'know, random cat," You said snatching it up quickly and shoving it under your pillow. The blonde cat rolled it's eyes, before he leapt up onto your side, balancing shakily he poked the side of your face with a sheathed paw.

"Hey!" You protested,poking the side of it's fluffy face.

"Hey, (Name)," Your roommate called.

"What?" You asked as he poked you back, you could almost make out a smirk

"I think that cat's Draco," She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What?!" You yelped, causing the cat in question to tumble off of you and land on the floor. "Oops, sorry, Draco?"

"Murr," was the sour reply, as he catapulted himself back onto the bed.

"How do you even begin to make that assumption," You asked, glancing at Draco-Cat apologetically. He seemed to forgive you, because he made you pet him. By of course nipping at your hand, damn he was enjoying himself.

"Uh- Well- I do believe this is his signature on my hand," She showed you the scratch on her hand. The blonde kitty started snickering as well as purring under your gentle strokes.

"Interesting tactic, Draco," You said, scratching behind his ears. He growled at you but soon succumbed to purring and arching his back against your stomach.

"I think I'm going to the infirmary, get some alcohol for this. . ." Your roommate declared, slowly exiting as if Draco was going to murder her if she moved any faster.

Once she was gone you sighed,

"I suppose you want me to change you back," You said.

"Mew-purrrr," came his muffled reply,still enjoying to attention, even though he would rather he had a different kind.

"How did you even get in this situation?" You asked, rolling onto your back, still lavishing your Draco-Cat with attention as he crawled onto your tummy.

"Meowwww," He said before growling at you, as if his way of saying 'just change me back!'

"It's not permanent if I don't change you back right?" You asked, ceasing to rub his fluffy fur. Draco made a surprised 'Huh' sounding noise and his head shot up to look at you strait in the eye, with a look that you interpreted as 'I don't like where you're going with this,'

"You've been turned into a ferret before, I'm sure you can deal with being a predator this time around. Besides, look how fluffy you are," You teased, scratching under his chin much to his disdain. Grunting with displeasure he knew he wasn't getting any help from you. You laughed at the cute little frown he was wearing before rolling onto your side again and bringing the grey eyed cat with you.

'I'm so going to turn her into a cat and see how she likes it as soon as I'm back to normal.' Draco plotted before slipping in between your arms with a huff.

"Good boy," You cheered, Draco growled again swatting your nose lightly with out stretched claws.

"Love you,too,Draco," You said,kissing the top of his muzzle before trying to go back to sleep again. Draco just pressed his silky head to underneath your chin and yawned. Quite adorably,too, it was all you could do to not giggle at him.

A few hours later. . .You were awoken once again by soft snoring right in your ear. You almost screamed at the thought of someone else in bed with you, before you remembered what had happened earlier that morning. "Draco," You mumbled,"What?" Came the reply, along with the now soft breathing against your face."Shut u-" You stopped, wait a second- wasn't he a cat earlier? 'The spell must've warn off' you thought. You could feel him smirking beside you at your realization."Whatever," You groggily stated and a small smile of your own blossomed when you realized that his free arm was holding onto you. You probably should've been ready to get up around now, but you didn't really want too, this was nice just having the two of you in a nice quiet moment. Besides, it was Saturday. No classes to bother you."I love you, by the way," a low whisper met your ears, and your meek smile turned into a shy grin accompanied by a blush. You were just about to reply when the door swung open,"I'm back and I hav-" Your roommate stated, you could only imagine her mouth falling open at the sight and you had to hold your breath to keep from laughing. "Right. That's right. I uh- I'm going to just be in the great hall. Alright... bye." She said, with a slight scornful whisper of something about 'bloody lovebirds' before the door closed again.Draco still planned to turn you into a cat. As soon as you two got up, until then he could think of a nice way to 'thank' Pansy for turning him into a cat. He didn't come up with anything

- - Extended Ending - -
After Draco forced you out of bed for breakfast he slipped a bit of cat potion,that he'd stolen from Pansy the night before after he was changed, into your goblet and let magic be magic. Afterwords you were pretty pissed, then again, you should've seen this coming, not turning him back at his little whim and all.

Then you started to enjoy it, the little pats that soon turned into pets and full on cuddling from your fellow slytherins. You had to admit, you were a lap cat. Well, Draco didn't like that at all, so he snatched you up and coddled you instead. It was kind've amusing how he could still be jealous of other people being around you, even when you were just a cat. Then again, you couldn't help being mischievous. Plus this was all Pansy's fault to begin with.

"What did I do?" Draco groaned as he watched from the great hall entrance, a (color) cat with (E/C) eyes bounce across the dining room tables with a stack of paper clenched in between sharp teeth. Granted, you realized being petted was a lovely experience that Draco didn't mind lavishing you with. But once you saw Pansy trying to get a last minute report done, there was no way you were going to pass up a good game of keep away with one of your least favorite people. Slipping out of your boyfriend's grasp, you quickly scooped up the parchments in your mouth and started running. Soon after you had a very angry Pansy coming after you as well as an annoyed looking Draco. You slipped into the dining hall because you thought it would be easier to move around.

"Released the beastie? Not my fault you weren't watchin' it," Blaise offered with a grin, Draco scoffed at this waving at the male dismissively.

'This was supposed to be revenge, she looks like she's having the time of her life,' Draco thought a bit angry that his plan backfired.

"Get back here you stupid furball!" Came a high pitched squeal from in front of them while Pansy decided it would be easier to catch you if she got onto the unset tables. You let out a muffled yowl in reply before leaping onto the mantle place and dangling the papers over the warm flames, eyeing Pansy in the process. Giving her a look that clearly said, 'Better watch what you're calling me, pig face,'

Pansy froze, almost shaking with fear. You opened your mouth just the tiniest bit and let the papers cascade into the flames, right before they turned to ashes before a horrified looking Pansy. You started to laugh,in more of a cat like cackle, throwing your head back in the process.

Pansy growled, "I'll kill you, you stupid cat!" She screeched, reaching to grab you by your fluffy (color) tail. You threw yourself forward, using her head as a spring board and bolted towards Draco your body turning into a (color) streak against the white linen cloths. Pansy fell forward banging her head on the mantle piece, letting out an audible groan of displeasure.
Your flexible body slipped through the crack in the door, before you whirled around again to paw at Draco's pant leg.

He suddenly chuckled, scooping you up into his arms. You snickered evilly again, gazing up at him with round,(E/C) cat-eyes in a pleading action.

"Maybe I got my revenge after all," he kissed your forehead softly before heading towards the commons again, you mewed in response. Sure did, and you had fun doing it!

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