No one else

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You sat in the library making homework for Professor Slughorn. Draco – your boyfriend – was supposed to join you but Pansy Parkinson was keeping him from doing so. She had a huge crush on him, and everyone knew that.

You knew Draco didn't like her and would never choose her over you, but deep inside you felt like he would do that anyway, since her family was more liked by his parents than yours.

She twirled her short black her between her fingers as she smiled flirtatiously at the platinum blonde. You couldn't see Draco's face, his back was towards you and you frowned. It made you feel insecure.

Draco could have anyone he wanted and he picked you; which made you feel very self conscious whenever another girl who fancied him was around.

You weren't exactly the Slytherin type – which also worried you – so you knew that eventually he'd leave you for someone better.

"Hello, love." Draco said, taking a seat next to you and kissing you cheek lovingly.

"Hey." You said, disturbed from yourself pity daydream. "Shall we begin?" you asked, making him nod his head and pulling the books from his bag.

You looked back to where he and Pansy had talked a few moments ago and she was still standing there; staring at the two of you. She smirked and skipped away with an evil look on her face which made you shudder slightly.


"Hey (y/n), what's up?" asked Blaise, taking a seat next to you in the common room. Crabbe and Goyle followed and sat on the leather couch opposite the two of you.

"Oh, hey." You said, closing your book on your lap and giving the three of them a tiny smile. "Where did you come from?"

"Dinner, which you missed." Crabbe said, throwing you an apple which you catched in a swift motion.

"Thanks," you said, taking a bit from the apple and leaning back against the arm of the couch. "I forgot."

"You alright?" asked Goyle, slightly raising his eyebrows at you. "You seem a bit down."

"It's nothing, really." you said, giving them a smile but they didn't seem to buy it.

"Is it Draco?" asked Blaise, you looked around to see the blonde nowhere in sight and you slowly nodded your head. "What has he done?"

"Nothing. It's just..Pansy keeps flirting with him and all the other girls as well, and I guess I'm just scared he may leave me for her." you said, shrugging your shoulders in the process.

"You know he'll never do that, right?" asked Goyle to which you nodded your head in response.

"You really think he'd leave you for pug face?" chuckled Crabbe, causing Blaise to shoot him a glare. "Never mind.." he muttered.

"I'll be right back." said Goyle, standing up and leaving the common room in a hurry.

"(Y/N), don't worry about that, alright?" said Blaise. "That will never happen, and even If it will; I'll make sure he won't be able to walk ever again."

"Thanks, guys." You smiled slightly. "I'm going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow." You gave the two of them a kiss on the cheek and left the common room to go to your own dorm.


"Babe?" you heard a voice from the other side of your door. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah." you said, and the door creaked open to reveal Draco standing there.

"How are you, haven't seen you much today." he said, taking a seat on your bed and resting his chin on your shoulder. "No one really has, actually."

"I was busy, and tired." you answered, making him nod slowly.

"Goyle told me what's been on your mind lately." he said, making you frown and play with your fingers.

"Has he?" you said, biting your lip not wanting to look at him.

"Love, you know that I would never ever leave you. Not in a million years." he said, planting a kiss on your forehead lovingly.

"You promise?" you asked. He smiled slightly before cupping your cheeks with both hands and kissing you deeply. He pushed you back so that he hovered over you on your bed and smiled against your mouth.

Your hands played with his light hair and you felt the butterflies in your stomach when he slid his hands down your waist onto your hips. A soft moan escaped your lips when he bit your lower lip and he grinned.

"I promise, I would never trade you for anything or anyone else."

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now