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As you stepped off of the Hogwarts Express, you stood on the tips of your toes and looked from side to side in hopes of finding Draco - he had promised that he would accompany you to the castle once everyone had gotten off the train. However, Draco was nowhere in sight and as time went on, you became restless and irritated.

Luna had offered to stay with you while you waited for Draco so you wouldn't be alone, but you just urged her to go back to the castle with her other Fifth Years. You didn't want her to miss the sorting and besides - there really was nothing more you wanted than to spend some time alone with Draco.

You waited until nearly everyone had left the platform, and you were still waiting when Hagrid came looking for you.

"Come on then, (Y/N)." Hagrid spoke, "He'll be here soon, don't yer worry."

All you could do was sigh loudly and nod as Hagrid gently put a hand on your back and walked you to the school. By the time you got to the Great Hall, the sorting was about to commence and from the looks of it, Harry, Hermione, and Ron had saved a seat for you. But let's be honest, you weren't entirely interested in seeing a bunch of squirmy First Years get sorted into houses for an hour.

So instead of taking the seat next to Ron, you went down to the kitchen and had the elves whip up a quick plate for you. Once you got back to your dormitory, you ate your meal in lonely silence. Draco was supposed to be here, he was supposed to see you and break out into a grin and smile and pick you up so that your feet were in the air and spin you around in his arms like you were a princess.

Why didn't that happen today?

"I'm sure he has a good reason", you thought, "He must have been busy with prefect duties, or maybe he just got lost in the crowd.."

You sighed sadly and stared at your now empty plate. Loud applause and shouts could be heard from your room - which could only mean that the sorting had just started.

You stared at the clock mournfully. There was no way you would be seeing Draco anymore, at least not until tomorrow. So you picked out your pajamas from your trunk and headed into the shower.

The hot water calmed your nerves and released the strain trapped in your muscles. Within minutes, you stepped out of the shower clad in your pajamas - and suddenly got an idea.

No one was here in the tower. It was just you after all. And let's be honest, no one would really come looking for you. At most, only the infamous trio downstairs would only notice your missing presence and they wouldn't come back until after the feast. So without a moment's hesitation, you took out your ipod and put it on your dock.

You scrolled through your playlist until Fall Out Boy came across your screen and instantly put them on shuffle. Dead on Arrival immediately blared through your speakers and before you knew it, you were wildly dancing and horribly singing along to the song while using your trusty hairbrush as a microphone.

Your dorm immediately became your own personal Fall Out Boy concert. The Phoenix played next, then Centuries, then Immortals, then Dance, Dance, then Thks Fr Th Mmrs.

During the middle of the second Thks Fr Th Mmrs chorus, you did a crazy twirl in the middle of your room only to have two quick hands catch you.

You let out a small scream and spun around, only to be met by Draco's stupid smile.

"Oh my God!" you nearly screeched, "What the hell?! You scared the shit out of me!"

Draco laughed loudly and pulled you in for a hug, "I'm sorry, love. I didn't know you were performing tonight."

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