More than BFFs

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Draco Malfoy had a ginormous crush on you. That was a fact. And as much as he wanted to tell you that he thought of you as more than a friend, he couldn't. Because you guys were already best friends, and if he told you his true feelings, he was afraid that he'd lose you forever.

But he knew that if he didn't tell you, he'd lose you to someone else. And honestly, he didn't know which hurt more.

But somehow he made his mind up when you sat down next to him at dinner, which was somewhat of a scandalous matter considering you were a Gryffindor.

You had had the worst day imaginable. You failed your History of Magic exam, getting one of the lowest marks in the class, which was something that never happened with you. You burned your friend Neville in Potions when accidentally pouring the hot chemicals on his hand, tripped and fell flat on your face on your way to Care of Magical Creatures which caused mud to get all over your robes and on your way to the Great Hall, some Slytherins decided it would be fun to push you into the wall and spill your stuff all over the place.

All you could really do was cry and go to Draco. If anything, you knew he would help you through a shit day like this.

You went to sit next to him at dinner and put your head down on the table, causing the Slytherins to glare at you and push you further towards Draco.

He looked down at you and put a hand on your back. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?"

You looked up at him with tears coming down your eyes. "I've had the worst day of my life."

Draco cooed and pulled you into him, his arms wrapped around your waist and your head was buried in his chest with your arms slung around your shoulders.

Some of the Slytherins sitting next to him glared at him and gave a nasty look, to which he replied, "Fuck off."

He started stroking your hair. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

You told him everything that happened and when you got to the part about some of his house mates bullying you, he pulled you closer to him and held you tighter.

"They're dicks. I'm so sorry they did this to you. But none of this was your fault. You know that right?" he pulled away slightly so you could look at him.

You pulled away some more so that you were sitting up and started wiping your nose with your sleeve. "Yeah, I know. Today just really sucks."

Draco gave you a sad look. "Well tomorrow will be better. I'm sure of it."

You smiled sadly. "Yeah, I hope so. I'm just tired of having days like this."

His eyes became locked on you. "This has happened before?"

You sighed and covered your face with your hands. "Yeah..."

He reached out to grab your hands and pull them down. "Why haven't you talked to me about it before, love?"

You shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I just thought you'd be too busy or something."

"(Y/N) you know you can come talk to me about anything right?"

You bit your lip and looked up at him. God, you were so cute when you did that.

"You know you can come talk to me about anything...right?" he asked again.

"Ugh, I know. I really do, it's just, I'm a little insecure about our friendship.." you muttered the last part.

"Wait what? Why are you insecure?" he asked worriedly.

"Because you're a Slytherin and I'm a Gryffindor and I know we're supposed to hate each other and our friends tell us to hate each other but I don't wanna hate you. I can't hate you. And I know all of your friends tell you repeatedly to drop me and they always tell you how much they hate me and I'm just scared that one day you'll listen to them and abandon me and I can't -"

"I like you." Draco blurted. His eyes suddenly became wide and he stared at your face for a reaction.

Your head snapped up to look at him. "W-what?" you stuttered.

Draco looked around, the stares from other Slytherin turning into mortified glares. He faced you and took your hands in his.

"I like you, (Y/N). I always have liked you. And I can't stand the thought of me even treating you horribly, which I won't do. Believe me when I say that I won't ever treat you like you've just described, I'll love you for the rest of my days if you let me." his eyes bore into yours, hoping for a reaction.

Your mouth parted open slightly but you ended up smiling. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to say that?"

He grinned from ear to ear and grabbed the back of your head, bringing his lips to forehead to kiss it firmly.

Everyone in the room now had their attention focused on you two, their whispers and mutters filling the room.

You both looked around to see the Slytherins getting up to leave the hall, their plates left half full.

Blaise Zabini came up to Malfoy and sneered at him. "You're no longer welcome in Slytherin house."

Malfoy snorted at him. "Fine by me."

When he walked away, he leaned forward and kissed you on the lips, both of you smiling into the kiss and forgetting about everyone else in the room.

In that moment in time, it was just the two of you. And that was perfectly fine with the both of you.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now