Don't leave without me

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"Leave me alone."

"But I'm so bored!"

Y/N sat in the chair of the common room, trying to read her book, but Draco was being relentless in his attempts to capture her attention. Currently, he was sitting next to her, on the arm of her chair. "Can't I just have time to read?"

Without a reply, there were a few blissful seconds of silence. "But-"

Silence broken.

"Please, Draco! Just let me read my book!"

There were a few minutes of suspicious quiet, interrupted by the feeling of something pressing softly against her neck. Draco was kissing her neck. "Dra..." Y/N found herself unable to speak as he continued to press his lips against her neck, leading a trail of small pecks up to her mouth, where he pressed his lips fully against hers.

She felt her book slide out of her hands, landing with a thump somewhere not too far as the silver-haired Slytherin slid on top of her. His fingers pressed against the back of her neck, and just as Y/N felt as if her heart would beat right out of her chest, Draco pulled away, but not too far away.

Foreheads pressed together, Draco whispered in a way that nearly broke her heart, "Why do you always spend more time with your books that with me?"

"I'm sorry," Y/N whispered breathlessly. "You're always more important than my books; I just need time alone sometimes I guess. Maybe I'm just not used to having this much company around. I love you." Her last whispered words echoed on her ears.

"I love you too, Y/N," Draco murmured, his face pressed into her neck. He gently nudged Y/N over and the fumbled around until she was sitting in his lap, with his arms around her. "Maybe this is a happy medium."

Grabbing her book swiftly from the floor beside her feet and then reclining against her human, silver-haired chair, she opened her book and read with soft breathing on her neck from behind.

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