Through the years

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You and Draco had been friends for a long time. And by a long time, I mean when you both were eleven years old and sorted into Slytherin together. You both got along quite easily, and the hours you would spend talking to each other felt like mere seconds. Which was crazy for the both of you, you never had a best friend like Draco before.

First Year was the year you both started getting to know each other. It was the year of first impressions, playing 20 questions over and over, making snide comments about students you disliked, and helping each other with homework. First Year was when you found your first best friend, and he found his. It was the start of an amazing friendship.

Second Year was the year where you both found common interests and started talking about them more and more. It was the year where you started to discover more about each other and learned about certain habits that each of you had. That year was when you shared secrets with each other, and promised never to tell anyone about those secrets. During Second Year, your friendship grew stronger.

Third Year was when things started getting a bit serious. You opened up to him about your life before Hogwarts and your family, how they treated you as an outcast since they learned you were a witch and almost never talked to you unless you approached one of them. He told you about his life too, how he always grew up with everything he wanted but no matter what his parents gave him, it was never enough. Now, I know that sounds really bratty but I promise it's not. What he meant was that even though his parents give him fancy toys and trips to other countries, he never felt like it was really what he wanted. And at that time, he didn't know what he wanted. Third Year was when you learned things about each other no one else knew and kept them secret from everyone else.

Fourth Year was when your friendship was at its peak. You almost always talked to only each other and you went everywhere together. People would always ask you two if you were dating, but you guys just shook your head and told them no. Because you weren't at that time. That was the year when you had your first heartbreak, when some jerk from Ravenclaw pretended to like you only because he wanted some action. Draco was your shoulder to cry on and in that time, he had never wanted to kill someone as much as that guy. That asshole had broken his best friend's heart! So from then on, whenever you would flirt with guys, he would always be real protective over you. And you returned the favor. Whenever someone would make a nasty remark about Draco, you'd always jump to his defense and tell them to shut the fuck up because most of the things people said about him weren't true in the slightest. Fourth Year was your best year.

However, Fifth Year is where your friendship with him started taking its downfall. He had joined the Inquisitorial Squad and since then, he was hardly spending time with you anymore. Rather, he was out getting students in trouble for ridiculous things and hanging out with his fellow Slytherin squad members more than you. You didn't mind that he had other friends, that was perfectly fine. But when he started blowing off times to hang out and rescheduling tutoring times over and over again, you started to lose your faith in him. And to make it worse, he started sitting with his new found friends rather than with you at mealtimes. And since Draco was basically your only friend, you were alone. So you started making friends with some of the Gryffindors and started hanging out with Neville, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Seamus, and Dean instead. You had even joined Dumbledore's Army after learning about everything that was going on and deciding to take a stand for justice. By the end of Fifth Year, you hardly spoke to each other.

Sixth Year was when things started getting better. However, the start of the year was rocky. Draco never spoke to you, in fact, he ignored you. No matter how many times you tried to initiate a conversation with him, he would just give you a nasty glare or ignore you. So you gave up on him altogether. But Draco didn't like that, in fact he hated it. But the reason why he was ignoring you so much was because of his new status as a Death Eater. He knew of your activities with your new friends, and he told himself he couldn't put you in a position where you had to choose between doing what's right, or sticking with your best friend. It wasn't until one Saturday that you were in the library did you two rekindle your friendship, along with something else.

You were the only one in the library. You were in the top floor, sitting on the floor and reading a book you had found for fun. Draco was going to find information on an essay he was writing when he found you. He saw this as an opportunity to talk to you, so he sat down next to you.

"Hi." he said softly.

You looked up and saw him sitting next to you. You were shocked, honestly. You hadn't expected for him to talk to you ever again.

"Hi." you shyly said back.

"How have you been?" he asked, leaning his head against the bookshelf.

You closed your book but kept your gaze focused on your lap. "Fine...I guess."

"You guess?" he asked.

"It's been a rough couple of months..." you said, implying your distancing apart in Fifth Year.

"Yeah, same here." he said, this time turning his head to look at you.

You started shutting yourself out, just like how you used to do as a kid when you would tell him certain things about your life.

"Hey...hey, don't do that." he put a hand on your wrist, causing you to look at him. "Stay with me, please?"

You gently pulled your wrist away from him. "Why should I? You didn't do the same for me."

Draco sighed. "I know. I've been the worst friend in the world. I'm truly sorry."

You turned to look at him. "What happened to you?"

He snorted and shook his head. "I don't know...I guess it was a lot of things. I got carried away with the whole Inquisitorial Squad thing and I started ignoring you, then you started hanging out with the Gryffindors which pissed me off because I knew they would be better friends to you than I would ever be and I...I guess I just felt like I didn't deserve you."

You looked at him sadly and placed a hand on top of his. "Draco, you do deserve me."

He started shaking his head but you kept going on.

"Yes, you do. Look at me."

He fixed his eyes on yours and waited for you to talk.

"You deserve me, okay? Just don't blatantly ignore me, don't give me nasty glares every time I want to talk to you. Basically, stop being a dick."

You both let out a laugh as he tucked a strand hair behind your ear. You sucked in a small breath and reached to intertwine his fingers with yours.

"(Y/N) I...I have something to tell you. About me." he said, looking into your eyes.

You nodded for him to go on.

"..I'm a Death Eater, babe." he lifted up his sleeve to show you the mark and you gasped, sadly running your fingers down it.

You looked back up to him. "Everything's going to be okay. Okay? I know for a fact this isn't the life you wanted for yourself. You have a choice. Please, for the love of God, pick the right one this time."

"(Y/N) it's not that simple." he whispered sadly. "He'll kill my parents."

"No. He won't. Voldemort won't win. I won't let him. And you know there are other people here who won't let him." you responded.

He was looked down and was about to start crying when you lifted his head and pulled him in for a kiss. Draco was a little surprised at first but he quickly pulled you in and rhythmically moved his lips against yours.

After a while you pulled away and rested your forehead on his.

"I love you too much to let something like that happen to you." you whispered shyly.

His eyes widened but he smiled slightly and kissed you again, this time it lasted longer and was more passionate.

Draco pulled away. "I've loved you for a while now too."

You both smiled and went back to kissing each other. Finally, you had your Draco Malfoy back.

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