From hate to like

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Life at Hogwarts had always been a bit rough for you. For one thing, you were a Slytherin. So that meant lots of people were going to hate you because of the house you were in.

However, you were also a Muggle-born. Which left many people very conflicted on their feelings towards you. Some people liked you, some people disliked you, some people didn't have an opinion on you. Then there was Draco Malfoy.

Draco hated you. He hated the fact that you were a Muggle-born Slytherin. To him, it messed up the order things, jumbled up the status-quo. Lots of his friends, including Crabbe and Goyle, tried to get him to talk to you, initiate a conversation with you. But he wouldn't hear of it. He would even go so far as to get up and walk out of the room whenever your name was mentioned.

You on the other hand, tried to talk to him. You always tried to strike up a conversation with, even if it was a simple hello. But all he did was ignore you, talk to someone else, or give you a rather dirty look. It sucked, it really did. All you wanted to do was try to make another friend and talk to him, but he was being too much of a dick to even give you a chance.

However, that changed pretty quickly. One day, word had gotten around that Draco was giving you even more of a hard time. Apparently, he was spreading rumors around school saying that you lived in poverty and that the only reason why you even got in was because your family had practically begged Dumbledore to admit you.

Sadly, you let the rumors get the best of you. You spent the whole day Friday hiding in your room, hiding from people who bought Draco's lies.

Suddenly, he was shoved into your room by Pansy and Marcus. Draco was practically thrown against the wall and when he tried to turn around to shove past them and leave, Marcus quickly pulled the door shut and held it there.

"Marcus! This isn't funny, let me out!" Draco yelled through the door.

He pounded on the door but it stayed shut.

"Not until you talk to (Y/N) and actually get to know her, you arrogant twit!" Marcus yelled back.

Draco's posture slumped and he huffed at the door.


He angrily turned around, his cold grey eyes meeting your slightly scared (y/e/c) ones.

His eyes slightly softened when they met yours.

"Hi." he muttered.

You swallowed thickly but kept your eyes on him. "Hi."

Awkward silence descended into the room. For about five minutes, none of you said a damn thing. That is, until you finally spoke up.

"So you're spreading rumors about me, huh?" you spoke softly.

Draco sat down on the bed opposite yours and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. It's not like they're true anyway."

You frowned at him. "That doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt. I've done nothing to you, I don't see why you need to be so rude towards someone you've never even talked to before."

He narrowed his eyes at you, his cold eyes suddenly becoming colder.

"You know why I act how I act towards you."

You positioned yourself on your bed and so you were sitting in front of him with your legs off the edge the bed.

"Because I'm Muggle-born? That's literally the stupidest reason for someone to hate me."

"You don't get it, do you?"

"Oh, I get it. I don't belong here because I'm not a pure-blood racist with intentions of going dark-side once I graduate. I don't belong here because I'm not rude and judgmental like the vast majority of the people in this house. I don't belong here because my heritage makes me a minority to all of you. Trust me, I get it. I get it all. You're not gonna tell me anything I don't already know, Malfoy."

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