Draco's little friend

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"Come in," comes Draco's voice through the door.

"Sorry I'm a bit late," Y/N says, out of breath. "I would've gotten here sooner, but the staircases moved. You wanted some help on your potions project, right?"

Draco nods, "Yeah, I've just been feeling so stressed out lately. I was thinking that maybe you could help me out with that, in particular."

Y/N takes a seat next to Draco on his bed, beginning to pull out some books, "Well, I might have a calming spell that I could try." Her hand is stopped by Draco, who pulls it up closer to him and holds it.

"That's not exactly what I had in mind," he says with a smirk, pulling Y/N closer to him. Slightly shocked, Y/N doesn't know what to say for a moment. Is he finally...?

Before she can finish the thought, Y/N finds her lips forming a sentence. "Well, what exactly did you have in mind, then?"

"I think-" he pauses, a devilish grin forming on his lips. He quickly pushes Y/N against the bed, her too shocked to fight it, and climbs atop of her. "A kiss would do."

Her heart beating nearly out of her chest, Y/N swallows. Draco and her have been friends for ages – is she finally going to get her romantic interests in him realized? Does he love her too? Only then does she realize that Draco is undoing her tie. Ignoring his efforts, she leans forward and places her forehead against his.

Draco pauses and looks up. His grin morphs into a small smile before Y/N feels it on her lips. Draco kisses her slowly and ignites a passion in Y/N that she isn't sure that she's able to control. Her arms find their way around Draco's neck, pulling her up somewhat. Draco's hands fit behind her head, tilting her head so that the kiss is even deeper and livelier.

Pulling away for a moment, Y/N smiles. "Draco, I've felt so strongly for you for ages now," she says, breathless for the second time that day. "I think I love you," her voice, barely above a whisper, adds.

"I think I love you too, Y/N," Draco murmurs into her ear. His hand, entangled in Y/N's hair, brings her face close to him again, and into another kiss.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now