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You and Draco had been eyeing each other all day, sending each other winks and publicly flirting with each other. For some reason, all you both wanted to do was have an intense make-out session with each other and you didn't care how it was going to happen, you guys just wanted it to happen like right now.

So as you were sitting in Potions with Draco, trying to concoct a potion with the ingredients Snape had written on the board for the day, you kept flirting with him. Lightly touching his arm, flipping your hair, leaning into him to reach some of the ingredients that were on the other side of the table. Draco happily flirted with you back, sneaking a few pinches on your bum and getting dangerously close to your face every so often.

Snape had suspected something was going on with you two. Normally he would've just left it alone and ignored the both of you, but seeing as how you were his daughter, he wanted to know what exactly was going on between the two of you. So he calmly approached your table, pretending he was just checking in on the potion you two were making.

"Hello (Y/N), Mr. Malfoy. How is your potion going?" he gave a small smile as he awaited your answer.

You turned a little pink, seeing as how Draco had just given your bum a good squeeze, but answered the question anyway. "Fine, Daddy. We're just trying to separate the rat excrement from the mice's and finish chopping up the ginger roots."

He gave you a nod and smiled at you. "Excellent! You're almost done. Carry on!"

As soon as he walked away, Draco whispered in your ear.

"Let's get out of here."

You looked around to see your if father was watching and answered back. "And go where?"

Draco smirked at you and raised his hand, calling for Snape.

Snape walked back to your table and looked at Draco.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Sir, would it be possible if I could go to the toilets really quick? The pancakes we had this morning did not agree with me." Draco said hastily, rubbing his stomach for added effect.

Snape looked at him for a moment but answered anyway.

"Very well. Off you go."

Draco nodded at your father and when he walked away, turned to face you.

"Meet me in the hall in five minutes."

You nodded and watched him walk out of the room.

Just to be safe, you waited about seven minutes, then raised your hand to call Snape over.

He walked back to your desk, smiling at you. "Yes, (Y/N)?"

"Daddy, I need to use the bathroom. Those pancakes are starting to take its toll on me too." you said, grimacing.

Snape eyed you down too and for a second, you didn't think he'd say yes but he excused you anyway.

"Go on then."

You turned around and walked out of the room but for a second, you could've sworn you saw your father smile as you walked out.

You opened the door and immediately searched for Draco, finding him leaning against the wall next to the door of the classroom.

He turned his head to look at you and smirked. "Took you long enough."

You rolled your eyes and loosely wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

He wrapped his arms around you and stared into your eyes for a bit.

"Y'know...", he whispered, leaning down to kiss your neck, "I've been wanting to kiss you all day."

You smirked. "Have you now?"

He came back to kiss your lips. "Yes, I have. And now that I finally get to do it..."

He trailed off when he pressed you against the wall.

"I can stop torturing myself with only the mere imagination of your lips on mine."

You bit your lip and pulled him in by his robes to kiss you. He pressed his hands against the wall and closed the distance between you two so that there was no space left. You bit his lip and he chuckled into the kiss and ran his tongue along your lower lip, asking if he could come in. You happily obliged and let him in, your tongues massaging each other and rubbing along the insides of your mouth a little.

His hand was about to grab your bum when the door opened and Snape stood in front of you. Draco sprang apart from you, his eyes wide and scared.

Snape, on the other hand, looked pissed.

"What is the meaning of this, Malfoy?!" he hissed, staring Draco down.

"I-uh, well um...erm -"

"Answer me, boy!" Snape raised his voice at Draco.

However, Draco couldn't get any words out, he was just standing there, frozen and looking petrified.

"I uh, we- uh, um.."

But then, Snape started laughing.

He laughed and giggled so hard, he had to press his hand against the classroom door to keep him from falling. His eyes were squeezed shut from laughing so hard and he clutched his stomach to keep it from hurting.

You and Draco both stared at each other, not sure whether to be scared or relieved of some sort.

He stopped laughing after a good two minutes and stood up straight, clapping a hand on Draco's shoulder.

"I'm just kidding, boy." Snape managed to laugh out, "I just wanted to see the look on your face."

He started laughing some more and to play along, Draco started laughing too. He gave you a look that said to laugh with him, so you nervously chuckled a bit.

Finally, Snape stopped laughing and managed to regain his breath.

He chuckled one last time. "Oh, I always knew something was going on between the two of you. I knew it from the moment you sat next to each other in my class three months ago."

You and Draco raised your eyebrows, clearly surprised.

"You have?" you asked.

Your father nodded at you. "Mhm. But I don't have a problem with it, seeing as how I actually really like Draco." He gave a smile towards Draco, to which he returned a little uneasily.

"Well, thank you sir." Draco muttered out.

"No problem.", Snape replied, "However, I will have to give you detention for this. You both do realize that PDA is not allowed in these halls...?"

You and Draco looked at each other and smirked.

"We do now." you said to your father.

Snape nodded and smiled and brought you back inside the classroom to finish your potion before the bell rang. Needless to say, today was a good day for you, for all three of you.

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