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Y/N sits in the potions room, scribbling down the words that are erasing themselves off the board furiously. The class is nearing to a close, and that idiot Slytherin boy behind her had been tossing bits and pieces of potions materials into her hair the entire time. She definitely hates Draco Malfoy.

Being in the same house, they're just destined to come across each other in the common room, at the very least. For some reason, there is not a day that went by that the two of them didn't fight. Even lunch is miserable. The strangest part is, though, that the two of them had never had any contact beforehand. It was as if right off the bat they hated each other.

"Hey, Y/N," a third year Ravenclaw says to her as she finishes up scrawling her notes down onto the parchment. "I was wonder-"

Eyes wide, Y/N looks up. Is she getting a date? This never happens – especially not to Slytherins with other houses.

"Oh, sod off. She's not worth your time, Mudblood Collins," comes the sneering voice of the blond from behind her. The Ravenclaw trods away sullenly. Y/N felt her blood boil.

"What's your problem, you big prat?" Y/N screams at the Malfoy in the middle of the classroom.

"Y/N and Draco, go to your next class or I will be deducting points from Slytherin," Snape says from the back of the classroom.

With a huff from Y/N and a smirk from Draco, they leave their classroom.

Quite a bit later, Y/N heads to the common room at the end of the day. "Well, looks like someone was out a bit late, weren't you?"

"What's it to you?" Y/N spits at Draco, spinning around to face him. "I don't understand why all you ever want to do is fight!"

"Well, maybe if you weren't such a poor representation of the Slytherin House-!"

Y/N, with a gasp, yells, "You're one to talk! Your family is so ungrateful for everything that they have! Some of us have to actually work for our wages!"

"That just means that your family is a waste of pureblood space! In fact, I'm sure you've got some filthy muggle blood dirtying up your veins! Maybe the sorting hat was wrong!"

With every jab and taunt, the two of the arguers move closer and closer, until Draco is almost spitting on Y/N. "Maybe it was!"

Her blood boiling and face red, Y/N doesn't know what to say when Draco suddenly becomes silent. Then, without any prior warning, their lips clashed in a passionate fury. Draco shoved her away, shouting, "You're so stupid!" and Y/N pulled him back by his tie.

"You're an idiot!" she screams at him, pushing Draco away again. He pulls her back.

"I never want to see you ever again," mumbles Draco into her hair, pulling away only for a moment. The kiss had suddenly slowed, and there was a knot coiling and burning in Y/N's stomach. It felt like butterflies had decided to wage a war inside of her.

"I hate you," Y/N murmurs against his lips.

"I hate you too."

And there they stayed, entangled in a web of burning hatred suspiciously reminiscent of passion. Y/N was only aware of the tingling in her body and the warmth of the mouth pressed against hers in an eternal flame that refused to die out... at least for the night.

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