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You stared at the test in your hand, shaking and quivering. How could it be positive? There was no way it could be; you and Draco had always used protection and it wasn't like you had cheated on him within the past few weeks. So how could you be pregnant, with your secret boyfriend's child?

You slammed the test onto the counter and placed your palms face-down on the cold, marble sink. The reflection in the mirror stared back at you in horror and worry and your breathing suddenly became irregular. Within seconds, you vaulted off the sink and shoved open a stall door to stick your head in one of the toilets.

Vomit came out of your mouth faster than Harry Potter could fly on his Firebolt.

As you emptied the contents of your breakfast into the bowl, Moaning Myrtle shrieked from the stall next to you.

"AAAH! My bathroom! My poor bathroom! You're ruining the sanctity of my bathroom! Ohhhh, it smells dreadful! Get out, now!"

As soon as you were done you rinsed out your mouth and sprinted out of the bathroom with Myrtle still crying in her stall. Your legs ran as fast as they could all the way up Draco standing outside of the Great Hall. Fortunately, he was alone.

You skidded to a stop in front of him, your irregular breathing now turning into heaving pants. Draco suddenly became suspicious, concerned, and frightened all at the same time.

"(Y/N), what are you doing? You can't talk to me like this!" he hissed under his breath.

You panted as you managed to speak the words, " something..."

"What's going on? Are you okay?"


As soon as the words were out of your mouth, Draco tenderly gripped your arm and dragged you to Madam Pomfrey's office. He would've been gentler if you two weren't around other Hogwarts students, or Hogwarts in general.

Draco got some strange looks from other Slytherin that were walking by him and in order to cover up the fact that you were his girlfriend in need of help, Draco had to spit some insults at you a few times and pretend he was taking you to Snape's office.

When you got to the hospital wing, Draco sat you down on one of the beds and gripped your shoulders tightly. His grey eyes became worried as he knelt down in front of you.

"Baby, what's going on? What is it?" Draco stammered.

Tears started to prick your eyes as you hung your head and started to cry softly.

"Hey, hey. Baby what is it? Don't cry, you know you can tell me anything." he whispered tenderly.

Draco kissed your forehead and brought your chin up with two fingers to look at him.

"Tell me love, what is it?"

You gulped and sighed deeply.

"Look...what I'm about to tell's going to come as a real shock to you, okay? And if you don't wanna stay with me anymore, I understand. But you have to know, because you're apart of this too." you stuttered.

Draco lifted his eyebrows, but nodded nervously.

"Draco...I'm pregnant."

Draco's demeanor immediately changed from worry to shock.

His eyes were wide and they pierced through to your soul as his lips asked, "Wait...what?"

You gulped and said again, "I'm pregnant."

He suddenly broke into a wide smile and kissed you passionately on the lips. You made a noise of surprise against his lips but soon quickly melted into the kiss, like you always did whenever Draco was kissing you.

Draco Malfoy imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now