Accidentally on purpose

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This was a problem. This was a very very big problem and Draco didn't know how to deal with it. All his life, he had always thought he would never fall for someone like you. Someone who was the complete and total opposite of him, someone who challenged him, stood up to him, and defended herself or her friends whenever a nasty comment was made. Draco never thought he would fall for someone so sarcastic yet humorous, so dorky, yet cute all at the same time.

Until he met you.

Now normally, this wouldn't be a big problem for him necessarily. Unless you were a Gryffindor, which sadly, is what you were.

He didn't mean to fall for you, this was definitely not supposed to happen. But somehow, it did. He didn't want to, but at the same time he did. It was like he fell for you accidentally on purpose, if you understand what I'm saying.

And it saddened him, that he couldn't even approach you without it becoming a huge scandal. But he didn't hate the fact that you were totally and completely different from him. In fact, he loved it.

However, he knew he couldn't ever tell you. Why would someone like you would even remotely think about falling for someone like him? It didn't make sense.

So all he could do was stare at you from afar, imagining what it would be like to love you inside his head. Until he was rudely interrupted by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Starin' at her again, eh?" Crabbe teased Draco.

Draco gave him a dirty look. "So what if I am?"

Goyle groaned. "Just ask her to marry you already!" he happened to say this rather loud.

"Shut up you stupid git!" Draco snarled at him.

Crabbe and Goyle burst into laughter.

"Aw, what's wrong? You don't want to ask your one true Gryffindor love to love you forever?" Goyle teased.

"Imagine if he finally did ask her out. They'd just be the perfect couple." Crabbe pretended to swoon and fall dramatically with his hand on his forehead on top of Draco.

Draco pushed him off and snarled at the both of them. "Shut it! She'll hear you!"

But it was too late. You had heard everything, along with your best friend Hermione as you both were eating breakfast together. You were about to turn around and say something when Draco got up.

"I'm leaving, you two are idiots." He walked away, leaving you to watch him leave.

"If you don't go after him, I'll do it for you." Hermione jokingly threatened as she swallowed a poached egg.

You smirked at her and got up with your books, leaving to chase after Draco. He hadn't gotten far, so you quickly jogged to catch up to him, turning your body so you face him.

"Y'know, if it helps, I think you're pretty hot too." you stood in front of him with your books to your chest and your bottom lip in between your teeth.

Draco stopped in front of you and froze. " Di...Did you hear everything they said?"

You smiled a little at him. "Maaaaybe...."

Draco facepalmed. "(Y/N) I'm so sorry, you were definitely not meant to hear that."

You shook your head. "No no, it's fine. Truth be told, I kinda liked you for a while now too..."

He smiled at you. "Really?"

"Yeah, I have. I never told you 'cause you know, you're Slytherin, and you're..Draco Malfoy."

He laughed incredulously. "I never told you how I felt 'cause you're a Gryffindor and you're (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

"Well it looks like we something in common." you flirtatiously said.

"You wanna walk to class together?" he asked you, biting his lip and offering his arm.

You gladly took it and walked off to your first class together, suddenly becoming very interested together.

Let's just say, you two had a relationship that would last a lifetime.

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